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Effects of spatial working memory in balance during dual tasking in traumatic brain injury and healthy controls.
Brain Injury ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-13 , DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2020.1792984
Ana Isabel Useros Olmo 1, 2 , Jose A Periañez 3 , David Martínez-Pernía 4, 5 , Juan Carlos Miangolarra Page 6, 7, 8, 9


The aim of this research was to assess cognitive-motor interactions though dual tasks of working memory in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and control subjects. Methods: Twenty patients with chronic TBI with good functional level and 19 matched healthy controls performed dual working memory tasks (1-back numeric and 1-back spatial (S)) while sitting, standing, and walking. The center of pressure (COP) displacement amplitude, cadence, and error percentage (PER) were recorded as dependent variables. Results: The results revealed main effects of Group (TBI, controls) (p = .011) and Task factors (Single, Dual Standing 1-back, Dual Standing 1-back (S); p = .0001) for the COP. Patients showed greater displacement than controls (p = .011), and an analysis of the Task factor showed a minor displacement for the dual 1-back (S) task compared with the 1-back and single task (p = .002 and p = .001, respectively). Conclusions: Postural control during both standing and walking improved during performance of the spatial working memory task. In the dual task, both patients and controls showed a postural prioritization as an adaptive response to the increase in cognitive demand.




这项研究的目的是评估脑外伤(TBI)和控制对象的工作记忆双重任务中的认知-运动相互作用。方法:20名具有良好功能水平的慢性TBI患者和19名匹配的健康对照者在坐着,站着和走路时执行了双重工作记忆任务(1向数字和1向空间(S))。压力中心(COP)位移幅度,节奏和误差百分比(PER)被记录为因变量。结果:结果显示了COP的主要影响因素(TBI,对照组)(p = .011)和COP的任务因素(单,双站1后卫,双站1后背(S);p = .0001)。患者表现出比对照组更大的位移(p = .011),并且对任务因子的分析显示,与1-back和单任务相比,双1-back(S)任务的位移较小(分别为p = .002和p = .001)。结论:站立和行走过程中的姿势控制在执行空间工作记忆任务时得到了改善。在双重任务中,患者和对照者均显示姿势优先级,作为对认知需求增加的适应性反应。
