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Evaluating escarpment evolution and bedrock erosion rates in the western Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas and New Mexico
Geomorphology ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107335
Lisa M. Tranel , Audrey A. Happel

Abstract The Guadalupe Mountains tower above surrounding plains and basins in western Texas and southeast New Mexico. Although this mountain range is extensively studied for the Permian stratigraphy related to the petroleum reservoirs in the adjacent Delaware Basin, little is known about the geomorphic history. The western escarpment, in particular, rises abruptly from the Salt Basin to the west of the range, and Guadalupe Peak rises ~1600 m above the surrounding landscape. This study investigates how geologic processes create and maintain the steep profile of the escarpment on the western boundary of the Guadalupe Mountain Range. In-situ produced cosmogenic nuclides were used to quantify erosion rates across the steep western front of the range to assess how tectonic, climatic, and lithologic forces influence the escarpment profile. Erosion rates range from 1 to 73 m/Myr. Faster erosion rates in the southern area of the escarpment coincide with more frequently mapped faults, higher elevations at the top of the Rim, and locations with colder temperatures and higher precipitation. Topographic profiles across the western escarpment surfaces indicate greater retreat from the original positions of fault surfaces at the north end of the mountain range. Faster erosion rates in the mountain range are linked to greater uplift and more recent activity in the southern end of the Guadalupe Mountains.



摘要 瓜达卢佩山脉耸立在德克萨斯州西部和新墨西哥州东南部周围的平原和盆地之上。尽管对该山脉的二叠纪地层学进行了广泛的研究,但与邻近特拉华盆地的石油储层有关,但对其地貌历史知之甚少。特别是西部悬崖从盐盆地突然上升到山脉西部,瓜达卢佩峰高出周围景观约 1600 米。这项研究调查了地质过程如何创建和维持瓜达卢佩山脉西部边界上陡峭的悬崖剖面。原位产生的宇宙成因核素被用来量化整个山脉陡峭的西部前沿的侵蚀率,以评估构造、气候和岩性力量如何影响悬崖剖面。侵蚀率范围从 1 到 73 m/Myr。悬崖南部地区更快的侵蚀速率与更频繁绘制的断层、边缘顶部的更高海拔以及温度更低和降水量更高的位置相吻合。横跨西部悬崖表面的地形剖面表明,山脉北端断层表面的原始位置有更大的后退。山脉中更快的侵蚀率与瓜达卢佩山脉南端更大的隆起和最近的活动有关。横跨西部悬崖表面的地形剖面表明,山脉北端断层表面的原始位置有更大的后退。山脉中更快的侵蚀率与瓜达卢佩山脉南端更大的隆起和最近的活动有关。横跨西部悬崖表面的地形剖面表明,山脉北端断层表面的原始位置有更大的后退。山脉中更快的侵蚀率与瓜达卢佩山脉南端更大的隆起和最近的活动有关。