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Anticonvulsant long-term and rescue medication: The children's perspective
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2020.06.009
Sarah Woltermann 1 , Sarah Jeschke 2 , Birthe Herziger 2 , Ruth Melinda Müller 2 , Wieland Kiess 3 , Thilo Bertsche 4 , Astrid Bertsche 5 , Martina Patrizia Neininger 4

BACKGROUND Little is known about children's perspectives and attitudes towards their long-term and rescue anticonvulsant medication. METHODS We interviewed paediatric patients aged 6-18 years in two university hospitals concerning their anticonvulsant treatment based on a structured questionnaire. We also asked them to draw a picture titled "Me and my medication". RESULTS We interviewed 100 patients with anticonvulsant long-term medication. 87/100 patients considered their medication to be helpful. 66/100 patients gave an explanation on why a regular medication intake is important, e.g. "Reduction/prevention of seizures", "Otherwise I have to go to hospital", "I don't want to die" or "Kill the virus which is causing epilepsy". Of 92 patients with a prescribed rescue medication, 22 (24%) did not know about it. Of the remaining 70, 39 (56%) stated they always carry it with them. When asked to imagine being the physician and to inform about the medication, the children would use illustrative (e.g. brochures) or demonstration material (e.g. "real tablets") to aid their consultation (47/100). 55/100 would stress the necessity of a regular intake. 52 participants drew a picture related to the given topic. Of those, only 1 depicted rescue medication. CONCLUSION Paediatric patients mostly have a positive attitude towards their medication. However, misconceptions exist and participants expressed the desire for more interactive support in the medical counselling. Children are not sufficiently aware of their rescue medication in everyday life. Consequently, physicians should consider the children's needs in their consultations and put more focus on potentially life-saving rescue medication.



背景对儿童对其长期和抢救性抗惊厥药物的看法和态度知之甚少。方法 我们基于结构化问卷采访了两家大学医院的 6-18 岁儿科患者,了解他们的抗惊厥治疗。我们还让他们画了一幅题为“我和我的药物”的图画。结果 我们采访了 100 名长期服用抗惊厥药物的患者。87/100 患者认为他们的药物是有帮助的。66/100 患者解释了为什么定期服药很重要,例如“减少/预防癫痫发作”、“否则我必须去医院”、“我不想死”或“杀死病毒”导致癫痫”。在 92 名服用处方救援药物的患者中,22 (24%) 不知道这件事。在其余 70 人中,39 人 (56%) 表示他们总是随身携带。当被要求想象自己是医生并告知药物治疗时,孩子们会使用说明性的(例如小册子)或演示材料(例如“真正的药片”)来帮助他们进行咨询 (47/100)。55/100 会强调定期摄入的必要性。52 名参与者绘制了与给定主题相关的图片。其中,只有 1 个描述了救援药物。结论儿科患者大多对药物持积极态度。然而,存在误解,参与者表示希望在医疗咨询中获得更多互动支持。儿童对日常生活中的急救药物认识不足。因此,医生应考虑儿童的