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Revision of the Eocene 'Platyrhina' species from the Bolca Lagerstätte (Italy) reveals the first panray (Batomorphii: Zanobatidae) in the fossil record.
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-13 , DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2020.1783380
Giuseppe Marramà 1, 2 , Giorgio Carnevale 1 , Kerin M Claeson 3 , Gavin J P Naylor 4 , Jürgen Kriwet 2

The fossil-Lagerstätte of Bolca (Italy) is well known for the diversity and exquisite preservation of its bony and cartilaginous fishes documenting tropical shallow-water marine environments associated with coral reefs in the western Tethys during the early Eocene. In this study, the taxonomic, systematic and phylogenetic position of two batoid species traditionally assigned to the living thornback ray genus Platyrhina is re-evaluated. †Platyrhina bolcensis Heckel, 1851 Heckel, M. J. 1851. Bericht einer auf Kosten der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften durch Oberösterreich nach Salzburg, München, Innsbruck, Botzen, Verona, Padua, Venedig und Triest unternommenen Reise. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch–Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 7, 281333. [Google Scholar] is recognized as a separate species of the Platyrhinidae because of its plate-like antorbital cartilage with an irregular outline and a small horn on the nasal capsules. Also, the rostral cartilage does not reach the anterior border of the disc. Support for the placement of this species within the new genus †Eoplatyrhina gen. nov. is based on a combination of morphological and meristic features (e.g. nasal capsules at right angles to the rostrum; large space between the hyomandibulae and mandibular arch; approximately 132 vertebral centra; 15–16 rib pairs; 81–87 pectoral radials; 18–21 pelvic radials; short, straight and stout claspers; 40–50 caudal-fin radials; thorns absent). A second species, †Platyrhina egertoni (De Zigno, 1876 De Zigno, A. 1876. Annotazioni paleontologiche. Aggiunte alla ittiologia dell’epoca Eocena. Memorie del Reale Istituto Veneto di Science, Lettere ed Arti, 20, 445455. [Google Scholar]), is more closely related to the living panray Zanobatus than Platyrhina and is assigned here to †Plesiozanobatus gen. nov. because of a combination of characters that support its placement within the family Zanobatidae (tail stout and short, distinctly demarcated from disc; two dorsal fins and complete caudal fin; small dermal denticles and scattered thorns covering disc and tail; rostral cartilage absent; nasal capsules without horn-like processes; mesopterygium absent). The systematic position of a third taxon, †Platyrhina gigantea (Blainville, 1818), is currently impossible to establish due to the poor preservation of the only known specimen, and therefore we propose to consider it a nomen dubium. Palaeoecological and biogeographic features of the Eocene platyrhinids and zanobatids from Bolca are also discussed.




博尔卡(意大利)的化石-拉格斯塔特(Lagerstätte)以其骨骼和软骨鱼类的多样性和精美保存而闻名,该鱼类记录了始新世初期特提斯西部珊瑚礁相关的热带浅水海洋环境。在这项研究中,分类,两个batoid种传统分配给生活thornback射线属系统和系统发育地位团扇鳐亚科是重新评估。† Platyrhina bolcensis Heckel,1851年 Heckel,MJ 1851Bericht einer auf Kosten der kais。萨尔茨堡,慕尼黑,因斯布鲁克,博岑,维罗纳,帕多瓦,威尼斯,维埃蒂希和特里斯特Unternommenen Reise维也纳科学博物馆 MATHEMATISCH-Naturwissenschaftliche的Klasse7281 - 333 [Google Scholar]由于其板状的前庭软骨轮廓不规则,并且在鼻囊上有一个小角,因此被认为是侧柏科的一个独立物种。同样,延髓软骨未到达椎间盘的前边界。支持在新属†Eoplatyrhina属中放置该物种。十一月 基于形态学特征和综合特征的组合(例如,鼻囊与讲台成直角;玻璃纤维膜和下颌弓之间的较大空间;大约132个椎骨中央; 15-16个肋骨对; 81-87个胸radial骨; 18-21个骨盆radial骨;短,直而粗壮的claspers; 40–50尾鳍radial骨;无刺。第二种†Platyrhina egertoni(De Zigno,1876 De Zigno,A., 1876年Annotazioni古生物学。Aggiunte alla ittiologia dell'epoca Eocena。Memorie德尔王宫因诺琴蒂基金会威尼托迪科学莱泰雷编ARTI20445 - 455 [谷歌学者]),更密切相关的生活panrayZanobatus团扇鳐亚科,并在这里分配给†Plesiozanobatus根。十一月 这是因为支持其在Zanobatidae家族中定位的字符的组合(尾粗而短,与圆盘明显分界;两个背鳍和完整的尾鳍;小的真皮细齿和散在的棘突覆盖在圆盘和尾巴上;无延髓的鼻软骨;鼻囊没有角状突起;没有翼中y)。由于唯一已知的标本保存不善,目前尚无法确定第三种分类群†Platyrhina gigantea(Blainville,1818)的系统位置。因此,我们建议将其分类为诺曼·杜比(Nomen dubium)。还讨论了始自博尔卡的始新世的鸭嘴兽类和zanobatids的古生态和生物地理特征。

