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Social paper wasp ( Agelaia pallipes ) predates songbird nestling
Ethology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-13 , DOI: 10.1111/eth.13076
Sjoerd Frankhuizen 1 , Leonardo Lopes 2 , Filipe Cunha 1

The social paper wasp Agelaia pallipes is known to eat carrion and scavenge on vertebrates. There are few records of wasps predating vertebrates, including an attack on an adult hummingbird and the predation of bird nestlings. During a project monitoring reproductive behaviour of a neotropical songbird, the Lined Seedeater Sporophila lineola in south-eastern Brazil, we recorded the predation of a four-day-old nestling by a social paper wasp. In the video, the adult female bird attempted to visit the nest prior to the predation. The male could be seen with its crest feathers erect after a wasp left the nest, when the nestling was presumably already dead. When we arrived at the nest to remove the camera, we found the nestling dead, and did not observe the parents in the vicinity. We also registered two other dead nestlings in a different nest with similar wounds. However, the conclusive cause of death of those nestlings is unknown. Nest predation is a major selective pressure in birds, and insects are rarely assumed to play a notable role in this process. Further research is needed to better understand the nature of the relationship between wasps and birds.


社会纸黄蜂(Agelaia pallipes)早于鸣禽雏鸟

众所周知,社交报纸黄蜂 Agelaia pallipes 会吃腐肉并以脊椎动物为食。黄蜂早于脊椎动物的记录很少,包括对成年蜂鸟的攻击和对鸟雏的捕食。在监测巴西东南部新热带鸣禽(Lined Seedeater Sporophila lineola)繁殖行为的项目中,我们记录了一只社交纸黄蜂对一只四天大雏鸟的捕食。在视频中,成年雌鸟试图在捕食前访问巢穴。一只黄蜂离开巢穴后,可以看到雄性的羽冠直立,当时雏鸟可能已经死了。当我们到达鸟巢取相机时,发现雏鸟已经死亡,并没有观察附近的父母。我们还在一个不同的巢穴中登记了另外两只有类似伤口的死雏鸟。然而,这些雏鸟的最终死亡原因尚不清楚。巢穴捕食是鸟类的主要选择压力,很少有人认为昆虫在这一过程中扮演了重要角色。需要进一步研究以更好地了解黄蜂和鸟类之间关系的性质。