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Cenomanian vertebrates from Algora (central Spain): New data on the establishment of the European Upper Cretaceous continental faunas
Cretaceous Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104566
A. Pérez-García , N. Bardet , M.A. Fregenal-Martínez , M. Martín-Jiménez , P. Mocho , I. Narváez , A. Torices , R. Vullo , F. Ortega

Abstract The palaeontological area of Algora (Guadalajara Province, central Spain) provides the largest concentration of vertebrate macroremains for the Cenomanian of south-western Europe. The available faunal list for Algora, based on the analysis of scarce remains collected in geological surveys carried out more than thirty years ago, was never updated. Therefore, and despite the great potential of this site to reveal novel information about the composition of the vertebrate fauna from the base of the Upper Cretaceous in the continent, the previous determination of many of the taxa recognized there is identified here as inaccurate or erroneous (e.g., the identification of two actinopterygian fishes, a single crocodyliform, the helochelydrid turtle Helochelys danubina and carcharodontosaurid dinosaurs). Recent fieldwork campaigns have provided numerous remains, including those of clades poorly represented so far, as well as others hitherto unknown at this site. The new faunal list proposed here included the lepisosteoid Obaichthys africanus, the helochelydrid aff. Plastremys lata, the pleurodiran Algorachelus peregrina, an indeterminate elasmosaurid, a non-eusuchian neosuchian and a eusuchian crocodyliform, a likely abelisaurid theropod and a lithostrotian sauropod. The study of these taxa provides new information about the palaeobiogeography and temporal distributions of some lineages, and increases knowledge about the poorly-known transition between the Lower and the Upper Cretaceous faunas in Europe. This faunal replacement, in which several well-represented lineages in the uppermost Cretaceous were established, is recognized as strongly conditioned by climate changes that took place between the end of the Early Cretaceous and the beginning of the Late Cretaceous.



摘要 阿尔戈拉古生物区(西班牙中部瓜达拉哈拉省)为欧洲西南部的森诺曼纪提供了最大的脊椎动物大型遗骸。根据对三十多年前进行的地质调查中收集到的稀有遗骸的分析,Algora 的可用动物群列表从未更新过。因此,尽管该站点具有巨大的潜力来揭示大陆上白垩纪底部脊椎动物群组成的新信息,但先前对那里所识别的许多分类群的确定在这里被确定为不准确或错误的(例如,鉴定了两种放线鱼类,一种是鳄鱼,一种是爪形龟(Helochelys danubina)和鲨齿龙科恐龙)。最近的实地考察活动提供了许多遗骸,包括迄今为止很少代表的进化枝的遗骸,以及该地点迄今为止未知的其他遗骸。这里提出的新动物群列表包括 lepisosteoid Obaichthys Africanus,the helochelydrid aff。Plastremys lata、pleurodiran Algorachelus peregrina、不确定的薄板龙科、非真鳄目新鳄目和真鳄目鳄目、可能是阿贝龙兽脚亚目和石兽类蜥脚类恐龙。对这些分类群的研究提供了有关某些谱系的古生物地理学和时间分布的新信息,并增加了对欧洲下白垩纪动物群和上白垩纪动物群之间鲜为人知的过渡的了解。这种动物群替代,其中在白垩纪最上层建立了几个具有代表性的谱系,