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Production of Cf-252 and other transplutonium isotopes at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Radiochimica Acta ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1515/ract-2020-0008
Sharon M. Robinson 1 , Dennis E. Benker 1 , Emory D. Collins 1 , Julie G. Ezold 1 , Jon R. Garrison 1 , Susan L. Hogle 1

Abstract In 1957 Glenn T. Seaborg conceived and advocated for the construction of the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the Transuranium Processing Plant (since then renamed the Radiochemical Engineering Development Center, or REDC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Heavily shielded hot cells, glove boxes, and laboratories allow recovery of transuranium elements produced in substantial quantities. Seaborg’s vision of HFIR and REDC producing milligram quantities of berkelium, californium, and einsteinium has been fulfilled beginning in 1966 through May 2019 with 78 production campaigns yielding a cumulative totals of 1.2 g of 249Bk, 10.2 g of 252Cf, 39 mg of 253Es, and 15 pg of 257Fm. Notably, 252Cf is a neutron source used in many industrial applications including oil exploration; process control systems for the cement industry, coal analysis, and power production; sources to start nuclear reactors and perform nondestructive materials analyses; homeland security and national defense detection devices; and medical research. Isotopes made available through transplutonium production at HFIR/REDC have enabled scientists to study the nuclear properties and reactions, chemical properties, optical properties, and solid-state properties of transplutonium elements. Long-lived isotopes have served as targets in heavy ion accelerators to produce heavier elements leading to the discovery of 104Rf, 105Db, 106Sg, 113Nh, 114Fl, 115Mc, 116Lv, 117Ts, and 118Og. This paper reviews the evolution of the processing flowsheets to produce, separate, and purify transplutonium isotopes, which have evolved over 50 years of operation at HFIR and REDC, and summarizes directions of future work to improve the efficiency of the production operations.


在橡树岭国家实验室生产 Cf-252 和其他转钚同位素

摘要 1957 年,Glenn T. Seaborg 构想并倡导在橡树岭国家实验室建造高通量同位素反应堆 (HFIR) 和超铀加工厂(此后更名为放射化学工程开发中心,或 REDC)。高度屏蔽的热室、手套箱和实验室可以回收大量生产的超铀元素。从 1966 年开始到 2019 年 5 月,Seaborg 的 HFIR 和 REDC 生产毫克数量的锫、锎和锕的愿景已经实现,共进行了 78 次生产活动,累计生产了 1.2 克 249Bk、10.2 克 252Cf、39 毫克和 24 毫克15 页 257Fm。值得注意的是,252Cf 是一种用于许多工业应用的中子源,包括石油勘探;水泥工业过程控制系统、煤炭分析、和电力生产;启动核反应堆和进行无损材料分析的来源;国土安全和国防检测装置;和医学研究。通过 HFIR/REDC 的跨钚生产获得的同位素使科学家能够研究跨钚元素的核特性和反应、化学特性、光学特性和固态特性。长寿命同位素已成为重离子加速器的目标,以产生更重的元素,从而导致 104Rf、105Db、106Sg、113Nh、114Fl、115Mc、116Lv、117Ts 和 118Og 的发现。本文回顾了生产、分离和纯化转钚同位素的处理流程的演变,这些流程在 HFIR 和 REDC 运行已超过 50 年,