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Temporal associations between sleep slow oscillations, spindles and ripples
European Journal of Neuroscience ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-11 , DOI: 10.1111/ejn.14906
Carlos N. Oyanedel 1, 2 , Ernesto Durán 1, 2, 3 , Niels Niethard 1 , Marion Inostroza 1 , Jan Born 1, 4

The systems consolidation of memory during slow‐wave sleep (SWS) is thought to rely on a dialogue between hippocampus and neocortex that is regulated by an interaction between neocortical slow oscillations (SOs), thalamic spindles and hippocampal ripples. Here, we examined the occurrence rates of and the temporal relationships between these oscillatory events in rats, to identify the possible direction of interaction between these events under natural conditions. To facilitate comparisons with findings in humans, we combined frontal and parietal surface EEG with local field potential (LFP) recordings in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dorsal hippocampus (dHC). Consistent with a top‐down driving influence, EEG SO upstates were associated with an increase in spindles and hippocampal ripples. This increase was missing in SO upstates identified in mPFC recordings. Ripples in dHC recordings always followed the onset of spindles consistent with spindles timing ripple occurrence. Comparing ripple activity during co‐occurring SO‐spindle events with that during isolated SOs or spindles, suggested that ripple dynamics during SO‐spindle events are mainly determined by the spindle, with only the SO downstate providing a global inhibitory signal to both thalamus and hippocampus. As to bottom‐up influences, we found an increase in hippocampal ripples ~200 ms before the SO downstate, but no similar increase of spindles preceding SO downstates. Overall, the temporal pattern is consistent with a loop‐like scenario where, top‐down, SOs can trigger thalamic spindles which, in turn, regulate the occurrence of hippocampal ripples. Ripples, bottom‐up, and independent from thalamic spindles, can contribute to the emergence of neocortical SOs.



慢波睡眠(SWS)期间系统记忆的巩固被认为依赖于海马与新皮层之间的对话,该对话受新皮层缓慢振荡(SOs),丘脑纺锤体和海马波纹之间的相互作用所调节。在这里,我们检查了这些振荡事件在大鼠中的发生率以及它们之间的时间关系,以确定在自然条件下这些事件之间相互作用的可能方向。为了便于与人类的发现进行比较,我们将额叶和顶叶表面脑电图与内侧前额叶皮层(mPFC)和背侧海马(dHC)中的局部场电势(LFP)记录相结合。与自上而下的驾驶影响一致,EEG SO上态与纺锤体和海马波纹增加有关。在mPFC记录中确定的SO处于上升状态时,缺少这种增加。dHC记录中的波纹始终跟随主轴的出现,与主轴定时波动的发生相一致。比较同时发生的SO主轴事件期间的脉动活动与孤立的SO或纺锤体期间的脉动活动,表明SO纺锤事件期间的脉动动力学主要由纺锤决定,只有SO下降状态对丘脑和海马均提供全局抑制信号。至于自下而上的影响,我们发现SO下降之前〜200 ms的海马纹波增加,但SO下降之前没有类似的纺锤体增加。总体而言,时间模式与类似环的情况一致,在这种情况下,自上而下的SO可以触发丘脑纺锤体,进而调节海马波纹的发生。自下而上的涟漪,