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A general model to define the substitution, insertion and deletion graph edit costs based on an embedded space
Pattern Recognition Letters ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2020.07.010
Francesc Serratosa

The paper presents a method to learn the substitution, deletion and insertion costs on nodes and edges applied to the graph edit distance. We model the learning strategy as a general model and then we concretise it in two different architectures: the first architecture is based on a neural network and the second architecture is based on a multivariate normal distribution, which have been previously trained. The insertion, deletion and substitution costs on nodes and edges are defined as functions that depend on the output of the machine learning architecture. Other machine learning architectures have been presented in the literature to define the graph edit distance costs. Nevertheless, the main feature of our method is that the insertion, deletion and substitution costs are learned together, training the same machine learning and generating only one model. Thus, these costs are influenced one to another, achieving a higher accuracy in the pattern recognition stage than previous methods.



