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10 recommendations for African governments to ensure food security for poor and vulnerable populations during COVID-19
Food Security ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s12571-020-01062-7
Laté Lawson-Lartego 1 , Marc J Cohen 1

In addressing COVID-19, African governments should not forget the livelihoods as well as the food and nutrition security of their citizens. With over 70% of the workforce in the informal sector without any social protection and health insurance, the pandemic could have a devastating impact on income and livelihoods as well as food and nutrition security for workers up and down the food chain. There are ten steps African governments can take to ensure that their response to the disease takes food and nutrition security into account: 1. Protect food supply chains and consider them essential services; 2. Consider fiscal and monetary incentives; 3. Prioritize healthy diets; 4. Use food reserves wisely; 5. Keep food markets open while ensuring safety; 6. Use mobile cash transfers for social protection; 7. Protect farmers and food workers; 8. Prioritize gender equality; 9. Instill a sense of solidarity; and 10. Avoid export bans.


非洲各国政府在 COVID-19 期间确保贫困和弱势群体的粮食安全的 10 条建议

在应对 COVID-19 时,非洲各国政府不应忘记其公民的生计以及粮食和营养安全。由于超过 70% 的劳动力在非正规部门工作,没有任何社会保护和医疗保险,这种流行病可能对食物链上下游工人的收入和生计以及粮食和营养安全产生毁灭性影响。非洲各国政府可以采取十个步骤来确保他们在应对该疾病时考虑到粮食和营养安全: 1. 保护食品供应链并将其视为基本服务;2. 考虑财政和货币激励措施;3. 优先考虑健康饮食;4. 明智地使用食物储备;5.在确保安全的同时保持食品市场的开放;6. 使用移动现金转移进行社会保护;7. 保护农民和食品工人;8. 优先考虑性别平等;9. 灌输团结意识;10. 避免出口禁令。