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Primordial black holes as dark matter and gravitational waves from single-field polynomial inflation
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-10 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2020/07/025
Guillermo Ballesteros 1, 2 , Julián Rey 1, 2 , Marco Taoso 3 , Alfredo Urbano 4, 5

We consider the possibility that the majority of dark matter in our Universe consists of black holes of primordial origin. We determine the conditions under which such black holes may have originated from a single-field model of inflation characterized by a quartic polynomial potential. We also explore the effect of higher-dimensional operators. The large power spectrum of curvature perturbations that is needed for a large black hole abundance sources sizable second order tensor perturbations. The resulting stochastic background of primordial gravitational waves could be detected by the future space-based observatories LISA and DECIGO or --as long as we give up on the dark matter connection--by the ground-based Advanced LIGO-Virgo detector network.



我们考虑了宇宙中大部分暗物质由原始黑洞组成的可能性。我们确定了此类黑洞可能起源于以四次多项式势为特征的单场膨胀模型的条件。我们还探讨了高维运算符的影响。大黑洞丰度所需的曲率扰动的大功率谱源自相当大的二阶张量扰动。由此产生的原始引力波随机背景可以被未来的天基天文台 LISA 和 DECIGO 探测到,或者——只要我们放弃暗物质连接——由地面高级 LIGO-Virgo 探测器网络探测到。