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A Survey of Quantum Theory Inspired Approaches to Information Retrieval
arXiv - CS - Information Retrieval Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: arxiv-2007.04357
Sagar Uprety and Dimitris Gkoumas and Dawei Song

Since 2004, researchers have been using the mathematical framework of Quantum Theory (QT) in Information Retrieval (IR). QT offers a generalized probability and logic framework. Such a framework has been shown capable of unifying the representation, ranking and user cognitive aspects of IR, and helpful in developing more dynamic, adaptive and context-aware IR systems. Although Quantum-inspired IR is still a growing area, a wide array of work in different aspects of IR has been done and produced promising results. This paper presents a survey of the research done in this area, aiming to show the landscape of the field and draw a road-map of future directions.



自 2004 年以来,研究人员一直在信息检索 (IR) 中使用量子理论 (QT) 的数学框架。QT 提供了一个广义的概率和逻辑框架。这样的框架已被证明能够统一 IR 的表示、排名和用户认知方面,并有助于开发更动态、自适应和上下文感知的 IR 系统。尽管受量子启发的 IR 仍然是一个不断增长的领域,但已经在 IR 的不同方面进行了大量工作并产生了可喜的成果。本文概述了该领域的研究,旨在展示该领域的景观并绘制未来方向的路线图。