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Numerical simulation of sky localization for LISA-TAIJI joint observation
Physical Review D ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 
Gang Wang, Wei-Tou Ni, Wen-Biao Han, Shu-Cheng Yang, Xing-Yu Zhong

LISA is considered to be launched alongside the Athena to probe the energetic astrophysical processes. LISA can determine the direction of sources for Athena’s follow-up observation. As another space gravitational wave mission, TAIJI is expected to be launched in the 2030s. The LISA-TAIJI network would provide abundant merits for sources understanding. In this work, we simulate the joint LISA-TAIJI observations for gravitational waves from coalescing supermassive black hole binaries and monochromatic sources. By using the numerical mission orbits, we evaluate the performances of sky localization for various time-delay interferometry channels. For 30 days observation until coalescence, the LISA-TAIJI network in optimal operation can localize all simulated binary sources, (107,3.3×106)M, (106,3.3×105)M and (105,3.3×104)M at redshift z=2, in 0.4 deg2 (field of view of Wide Field Imager on Athena). The angular resolution can be improved by more than 10 times comparing to LISA or TAIJI single detector at a given percentage of population. The improvements for monochromatic sources at 3 mHz and 10 mHz are relatively moderate in one-year observation. The precision of sky localization could be improved by a factor of 2 to 4 comparing to single LISA at a given percentage of sources. For a simulated 90 days observation for monochromatic waves, the LISA-TAIJI network still represents a considerable localization advantage which could be more than 10 times better.



LISA被认为是与雅典娜一起发射的,以探测充满活力的天体物理过程。LISA可以确定雅典娜后续观察的来源方向。作为另一项太空引力波任务,太极拳有望在2030年代发射升空。LISA-TAIJI网络将为信息来源提供丰富的优势。在这项工作中,我们模拟了LISA-TAIJI联合观测值,这些观测值是合并超质量黑洞双星和单色源产生的引力波的结果。通过使用数字任务轨道,我们评估了各种时延干涉测量通道的天空定位性能。LISA-TAIJI网络以最佳状态运行30天,直到合并为止,可以定位所有模拟的二进制源,1073.3×106中号1063.3×105中号1053.3×104中号 在红移 ž=2,在0.4度2(雅典娜广角成像仪的视野)。在给定的人口百分比下,与LISA或TAIJI单探测器相比,角分辨率可以提高10倍以上。在一年的观察中,单色光源在3 mHz和10 mHz处的改善相对中等。与给定百分比的源中的单个LISA相比,天空定位的精度可以提高2-4倍。对于模拟的90天单色波观测,LISA-TAIJI网络仍然具有相当大的本地化优势,可以提高10倍以上。