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Clarifying the nomenclature of non‐Andean South American Hypericum (Hypericaceae)
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-10 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12234
Cleusa Vogel Ely 1 , Sérgio Augusto Loreto Bordignon 2 , Ilsi Iob Boldrini 1

An updated taxonomic and nomenclatural framework is essential to develop most biological research. To stabilize the application of Hypericum names and avoid future problems, we critically reviewed the protologues, the main Floras in which the studied names are listed, and the types of 84 names described for non‐Andean South America (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay). Application of the term holotype is corrected to lectotype for 18 names, and type is corrected to lectotype for six names (“inadvertent lectotypifications”). For H. nudicaule the term type is corrected to neotype, for H. paraguense the term lectotype is corrected to neotype, and for H. polyanthemum the term isotype is corrected to neotype (“inadvertent neotypifications”). For 24 names, lectotypifications are provided, including one re‐lectotypification (H. brasiliense var. angustifolium) and 19 second‐step lectotypifications. Neotypes are designated for four names (H. cyathifolium, H. lorentzianum, H. meridionale, H. sellowianum). Five new synonyms are proposed (H. campestre subsp. pauciflorum, H. campestre subsp. tenue, H. rigidum subsp. bracteatum, H. rigidum subsp. meridionale, H. rigidum subsp. sellowianum), and two superfluous names are detected for the first time (H. bolivianum, H. connatum var. obscurum).



更新的分类学和命名法框架对于开展大多数生物学研究至关重要。为了稳定金丝桃属植物名称的应用并避免将来出现问题,我们严格审查了原语,列出了研究名称的主要植物区系以及为非安第斯南美洲描述的84种名称的类型(阿根廷,巴西,巴拉圭,乌拉圭) )。术语“完整型”的应用被更正为18个名字的选型,而类型被更正为“ 6个名字”的选型(“无意的选型”)。对于核嗜血杆菌,术语类型被纠正为新型,对于副瓜嗜血杆菌,术语选择型被纠正为新型,而对于聚花嗜血杆菌术语同种型被纠正为新型(“疏忽性新型”)。24名中,提供lectotypifications,包括一个重新lectotypification(H. brasiliense变种狭叶)和19第二步lectotypifications。Neotypes被指定为四个名字(H. cyathifoliumH. lorentzianumH. MERIDIONALEH. sellowianum)。五个新的同义词提出(H.坎佩斯特里亚种。pauciflorumH.坎佩斯特里亚种。tenueH. rigidum亚种H. rigidum亚种。MERIDIONALE僵硬亚种。sellowianum),以及两个多余名称首次(被检测H. bolivianumH. connatum变种obscurum)。