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The Collins’ monster, a spinous suspension‐feeding lobopodian from the Cambrian Burgess Shale of British Columbia
Palaeontology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-10 , DOI: 10.1111/pala.12499
Jean‐Bernard Caron 1, 2, 3 , Cédric Aria 4

Lobopodians, a paraphyletic group of rare but morphologically diverse Palaeozoic vermiform animals bearing metameric appendages, are key to the origin of extant panarthropods. First discovered in 1983 on Mount Stephen (Yoho National Park, British Columbia), the Cambrian (Wuliuan) Burgess Shale lobopodian nicknamed ‘Collins’ monster’ is formally described as Collinsovermis monstruosus gen. et sp. nov. A formal systematic treatment of the comparable and poorly known lobopodian Acinocricus stichus from Utah is also provided. The body of Collinsovermis is plump and compact but shows the diagnostic suspension‐feeding characters of luolishaniid lobopodians. It possesses 14 contiguous pairs of lobopods, lacking space between them. The 6 anterior pairs are elongate, adorned with about 20 pairs of long and slightly curved ventral spinules arranged in a chevron‐like pattern. These appendages terminate in a pair of thin claws and their dorsal surfaces are covered in minute spines or setae. The 8 posterior lobopod pairs, which attach to a truncated body termination, are stout and smooth, each terminated by a single strong recurved claw. Each somite bears a pair of dorsal spines; somites 4 and posteriad bear an additional median spine. The spines on somites 1–3 are much shorter than the spines on the remaining somites. The head is short, bears a terminal mouth and a pair of antenniform outgrowths, and is covered by an oblong sclerite. Collinsovermis, plus Collinsium and Acinocricus, are found to comprise a sub‐group of stout luolishaniid lobopodians with remarkably long spinules on the front lobopods, interpreted here as a clade (Teratopodidae fam. nov.) This clade is distinct from both the comparatively slenderer Luolishania and a sub‐group composed of Facivermis and Ovatiovermis lacking body sclerites. Luolishaniids were mostly sessile forerunners of arthropods that had coupled efficient suspension‐feeding devices and, as in Collinsovermis, strong defensive or deterrent features.



Lobopodians是一类共生的稀有动物,但形态多样的古生生蠕形动物带有同分异体附属物,是现存足节肢动物起源的关键。于1983年在斯蒂芬山(不列颠哥伦比亚省幽鹤国家公园)首次发现,绰号“柯林斯”怪物的寒武纪(五里山)伯吉斯页岩罗布泊星被正式描述为Collinsovermis monstruosus gen。等。十一月 还提供了来自犹他州的可比性和鲜为人知的罗布泊刺猬棘鱼的正式系统治疗方法。Collinsovermis的身体肥大而紧凑,但显示出罗利沙地类足足的诊断性悬浮饲料特征。它拥有14对连续的球足,它们之间没有空间。前6对是细长的,并饰有约20对长且略微弯曲的腹突,呈人字形排列。这些附肢终止于一对细小的爪子,它们的背表面被微小的刺或刚毛覆盖。8个后尾足对与截短的身体末端相连,结实且光滑,每对均由一条结实的弯曲爪终止。每个腹背上都有一对背脊;somites 4和后足者有一个额外的正中脊柱。1-3号节上的刺比其余的节上的刺短得多。头短,有一个嘴巴和一对羊膜长出,Collinsovermis,加上CollinsiumAcinocricus,被发现包括子组粗壮luolishaniid lobopodians的与前面lobopods相当长小刺,解释这里作为一个进化枝(Teratopodidae FAM。十一月)该进化枝是从两个不同的相对苗条Luolishania以及由缺乏身体巩膜的FacivermisOvatiovermis组成的亚组。骆驼科动物大多数是节肢动物的无柄先驱者,它们结合了有效的悬浮物喂食装置,并且在Collinsovermis中具有强大的防御或威慑作用。