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Response of Tibetan Plateau’s lakes to climate changes: Trend, pattern, and mechanisms
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103269
Guoqing Zhang , Tandong Yao , Hongjie Xie , Kun Yang , Liping Zhu , C.K. Shum , Tobias Bolch , Shuang Yi , Simon Allen , Liguang Jiang , Wenfeng Chen , Changqing Ke

Abstract The wide distribution of natural lakes over the Tibetan Plateau, the highest and largest plateau on Earth, have received extensive attention due to global warming. In this Review, we examine lake evolution, spatial patterns and driving mechanisms over the Tibetan Plateau. The changes in lake area, level and volume show a slight decrease from 1976 to the mid-1990s, followed by a continuous rapid increase. The spatial patterns show an overall lake growth in the north of the inner plateau against a reduction in the south, which are accompanied by most of the lakes cooling in the north against warming in the south, and longer ice cover duration in the north compared with the south. The changes in lake temperature are negatively correlated with water level variations and lake ice duration. Enhanced precipitation is the dominant contributor to increased lake water storage, followed by glacier mass loss and permafrost thawing. The decadal or longer lake expansion since the mid-1990s could have been driven by the positive phase of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, and clear inflection points of lake area/level identified in 1997/1998 and 2015/2016 are attributed to strong El Nino events. In the near-term, the lakes will continue to expand. Future interdisciplinary lake studies are urgently required to improve understanding of climate-cryosphere-hydrosphere interactions and water resources management.



摘要 青藏高原是地球上海拔最高、面积最大的高原,天然湖泊分布广泛,受全球气候变暖影响而受到广泛关注。在这篇综述中,我们研究了青藏高原的湖泊演化、空间格局和驱动机制。1976 年至 1990 年代中期湖泊面积、水位和体积的变化略有减少,随后持续快速增加。空间格局显示,内高原北部湖泊总体增长,南部湖泊减少,伴随着大部分湖泊北部降温,南部变暖,北部冰盖持续时间较长。南方。湖温变化与水位变化和湖冰持续时间呈负相关。降水增强是湖泊蓄水量增加的主要原因,其次是冰川质量损失和永久冻土融化。自 1990 年代中期以来的十年或更长时间的湖泊扩张可能是由大西洋多年代际振荡的积极阶段驱动的,1997/1998 和 2015/2016 年确定的湖泊面积/水位的明显拐点归因于强厄尔尼诺事件。在短期内,湖泊将继续扩大。迫切需要未来的跨学科湖泊研究,以提高对气候-冰冻圈-水圈相互作用和水资源管理的理解。1997/1998 年和 2015/2016 年确定的湖泊面积/水位明显的拐点归因于强厄尔尼诺事件。在短期内,湖泊将继续扩大。迫切需要未来的跨学科湖泊研究,以提高对气候-冰冻圈-水圈相互作用和水资源管理的理解。1997/1998 年和 2015/2016 年确定的湖泊面积/水位明显的拐点归因于强厄尔尼诺事件。在短期内,湖泊将继续扩大。迫切需要未来的跨学科湖泊研究,以提高对气候-冰冻圈-水圈相互作用和水资源管理的理解。