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Functionality of Oxide Interfaces
Physica Status Solidi (B) - Basic Solid State Physics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-09 , DOI: 10.1002/pssb.202070028

In a series of 31 articles, reports of the DFG Collaborative Research Centre SFB 762 “Functionality of Oxide Interfaces” are presented in this Special Issue (see Editorial, article number 2000270). Incorporated in the logo of the SFB 762 is a collection of five images highlighting the different aspects of oxide interfaces investigated in the Collaborative Research Centre, starting with the illustration of a spin spiral formation at an oxide interface (upper left; K. Dörr, I. Maznichenko, S. Das), followed by a reciprocal space map of a multiferroic superlattice (middle left; M. Lorenz), a TEM–EDX cross section of a magnetoelectric BaTiO3–BiFeO3 multilayer (middle right; M. Lorenz, C. Patzig, T. Höche), the visualisation of the Fermi sea of the 2D electron gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface (lower left; I. Maznichenko), and the unique atomic arrangement of the first oxide quasicrystal (lower right; S. Förster). Cover design: Stefan Förster (MLU Halle‐Wittenberg).



在这31期文章中,DFG协作研究中心SFB 762“氧化物界面的功能”的报告在本期特刊中发表(请参见社论,文章编号2000270)。SFB 762的徽标中包含了五幅图像的集合,这些图像突出显示了在协作研究中心研究的氧化物界面的不同方面,首先是在氧化物界面处形成自旋螺旋的图示(左上; K。Dörr,I Maznichenko,S。Das),然后是多铁性超晶格的相互空间图(左中;M。Lorenz ),BaTiO 3 –BiFeO 3磁电多层的TEM-EDX截面(右中;M。Lorenz , C. Patzig,T.Höche),LaAlO上二维电子气费米海的可视化3 / SrTiO 3界面(左下; I。Maznichenko)和第一个氧化物准晶体的独特原子排列(右下; S。Förster)。封面设计:StefanFörster(MLU Halle-Wittenberg)。