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Functionality of Oxide Interfaces
Physica Status Solidi (B) - Basic Solid State Physics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-09 , DOI: 10.1002/pssb.202000270

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has funded the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 762 (project number 31047526) at Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg from 2008 to 2019. SFB 762 was a collaboration of Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg, Leipzig University, and the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Halle.

Within the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 762 “Functionality of Oxide Interfaces”, a unique team of experts was focusing on the fabrication and characterisation of oxide heterostructures whose individual components are ferroelectric, magnetic, semiconducting, or insulating, thereby providing various degrees of freedom for designing functional elements. The investigated materials and structures are multifunctional, which means that based on the ferroelectric or magnetic state the electrical or optical properties are changed and determine the corresponding functionality. At the core of the functionality rests the interface and the coupling across the interface. More precisely, the interface's geometric structure as well as its charge and spin order can be manipulated by external electric or magnetic fields, causing by these means the functional effects. The couplings are of various kinds, for example electro‐optical, electric, piezoelectric, magneto‐elastic or magneto‐electric.

The focus of our activities was the investigation of multiferroic interfaces between ferroelectric and magnetic layers. The main goal was the design and microscopic understanding of multiferroic heterostructures with magnetoelectric coupling via the oxide interface. Magnetic response of the system to an external electric field was demonstrated as proof‐of‐principal by means of an epitaxial multiferroic tunnel junction consisting of ferromagnetic leads separated by a ferroelectric barrier. Closely related to this question is the cross‐talk of ferroelectric and magnetic domains across the interface which includes as well the mutual interaction of polarisation dynamics on the picosecond scale with magnetisation dynamics on the femtosecond scale.

A very important aspect of our research was dedicated to two‐dimensional (2D) oxide quasi‐crystals which have been discovered in our SFB. Besides fabrication and structural characterisation of this new oxide 2D material, we have been very much interested in the electronic properties of quasicrystals and their entropic stabilisation. Research in the field of oxide interfaces with quasi‐crystalline order was new ground.

A further aspect of our research was the formation of two‐dimensional electron or hole gases (2DEG) at oxide interfaces. Besides the existence of the phenomenon we concentrated to the manipulation of the 2DEG by ferroelectric and magnetic order of the adjacent components in the heterostructure. But we have as well been interested in the properties of the 2DEG itself, in particular the investigation of the topological character of the 2DEG, the electron‐phonon coupling, as well as the formation of magnetic order or superconductivity.

A further important question in our work was the investigation of defect‐induced magnetism in oxides. Stability and reproducibility of defect‐induced magnetism was the question to be answered, in particular under the focus whether a new type of magnetism could coexist with ferroelectricity.

The selection of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic oxides investigated in our SFB was very much triggered by nature's permission for and our accomplishment of their epitaxial growth and the fabrication of various heterostructures for further optimisation of the desired functional properties of the interface. The fact that the property should exist at finite temperatures was another very important aspect with regard to new concepts in sensor and information technologies.

The success of our concept was based on the combination of expertise in surface science, magnetism, semiconductor physics, solid state chemistry, material science, and theoretical physics. The locations Halle and Leipzig offered strong expertise and high‐end growth techniques for epitaxial growth of oxide layers and heterostructures. State‐of‐the‐art methods for structural, magnetic, ferroelectric, and electronic characterisation have been used and even further developed. The spectrum has been complemented by a variety of theoretical methods. Material‐specific description by ab initio methods based on time‐independent and time‐dependent density functional theory has been used. Properties of the ideal and defective oxide interfaces have been investigated for the ground‐state and at finite temperature. Influence of exchange and correlation at oxide interfaces was considered.

The overall scientific aim of SFB 762 was to understand all relevant processes of structural, electrical, and magnetic order at oxide interfaces on the atomic scale and their consequences for resulting meso‐ and macroscopic physical properties. Our investigations have yielded new insights into microscopic interactions at oxide interfaces which form the basis for new device concepts in the long term. Furthermore, the synthesis of oxide heterostructures demonstrated prototypically the functionality of interfaces with enormous relevance to applications and high potential for innovation with regard to new real world applications in sensor and information technologies.

The papers collected in the special issue of physica status solidi (b) in form of 2 Review Articles, 11 Feature Articles and 18 Original Papers mainly focus on our research described above and provide much more details and further outlooks. We hope that this collection of results demonstrates the beauty and attraction of this research area of solid state physics and the fun that we shared performing the research.

The three signees had the pleasure to chair the SFB 762 during twelve fruitful years. We wish to thank all investigators involved in this project for their contributions, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for their major support, the Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg, and Leipzig University for additional and significant financial support and Wiley for the opportunity to publish this special issue.

On behalf of all participants in the SFB 762 over the years,

  • Ingrid Mertig, Wolf Widdra, and Marius Grundmann

  • Halle und Leipzig, March 2020



德意志联邦理工学院(DFG)于2008年至2019年资助了马丁·路德大学Halle-Wittenberg合作研究中心SFB 762(项目编号31047526)。SFB762是马丁·路德大学Halle-Wittenberg,莱比锡大学和麦克斯大学的合作哈雷普朗克微结构物理研究所。

在协作研究中心SFB 762“氧化物界面的功能”内,一个独特的专家团队专注于氧化物异质结构的制造和表征,这些氧化物异质结构的各个成分是铁电,磁,半导电或绝缘的,从而为设计提供了不同程度的自由度。功能元素。所研究的材料和结构是多功能的,这意味着基于铁电或磁性状态,可以更改电气或光学特性并确定相应的功能。功能的核心在于接口和跨接口的耦合。更确切地说,可以通过外部电场或磁场来控制界面的几何结构及其电荷和自旋顺序,通过这些方式引起功能上的影响。联轴器种类繁多,例如电光,电,压电,磁弹性或磁电。







SFB 762的总体科学目标是了解原子尺度上氧化物界面的结构,电和磁有序的所有相关过程,以及它们对所得介观和宏观物理性质的影响。我们的研究对氧化物界面的微观相互作用产生了新的见解,从长远来看,这些相互作用构成了新器件概念的基础。此外,氧化物异质结构的合成从根本上证明了界面的功能,这些界面与应用具有极大的关联性,并且对于传感器和信息技术中的新现实应用具有很大的创新潜力。


在十二个硕果累累的三年中,三位签手很高兴担任了SFB 762的主席。我们要感谢所有参与此项目的研究人员所做的贡献,德国科学基金会的主要支持,马丁·路德大学的哈雷·威登伯格和莱比锡大学的额外和重要的财务支持,以及威利提供的机会出版此特别刊物。

多年来代表SFB 762的所有参与者,

  • Ingrid Mertig,Wolf Widdra和Marius Grundmann

  • 哈雷与莱比锡,2020年3月
