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Post‐harvest physiological deterioration in several cassava genotypes over sequential harvests and effect of pruning prior to harvest
International Journal of Food Science & Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-09 , DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.14711
Jorge Luna 1 , Dominique Dufour 1, 2, 3, 4 , Thierry Tran 1, 3, 4 , Mónica Pizarro 1 , Fernando Calle 1 , Moralba García Domínguez 1 , Iván M. Hurtado 1 , Teresa Sánchez 1 , Hernán Ceballos 1

Consumers, traders and processors consider post‐harvest physiological deterioration (PPD) an important constraint. In Experiment 1, PPD was assessed three consecutive years in roots from five genotypes through seven storage days. PPD, scopoletin and dry matter content (DMC) was recorded during storage. Year, genotype, duration of storage and their interactions were significant. PPD was associated with duration of storage period, DMC and scopoletin contents. Ambient moisture and temperature during storage influenced PPD. In Experiment 2, roots from seven clones were harvested 10 months after planting from 30 consecutive biweekly plantings. PPD was assessed 0, 2 and 7 days after harvest. In 13 harvests, roots from plants pruned six days earlier were also evaluated. Results indicated large seasonal variation across genotypes. Pruning reduced PPD and DMC. Complex and contrasting relationships among the variables analysed were found. There is no uniform model explaining the relationship between PPD and the independent variables considered.


