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Science Education in the Light of COVID-19
Science & Education ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s11191-020-00143-5
Michael J Reiss 1

In this position paper, I examine how the history, philosophy and sociology of science (HPS) can contribute to science education in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. I discuss shortcomings in the ways that history is often used in school science, and examine how knowledge of previous pandemics might help in teaching about COVID-19. I look at the potential of issues to do with measurement in the context of COVID-19 (e.g. measurement of mortality figures) to introduce school students to issues about philosophy of science, and I show how COVID-19 has the affordance to broaden and deepen the moral philosophy that students typically meet in biology lessons. COVID-19 also provides opportunities to introduce students to sociological ways of thinking, examining data and questioning human practices. It can also enable students to see how science, economics and politics inter-relate. In the final part of the paper, I suggest that there are strong arguments in favour of an interdisciplinary approach in tackling zoonoses like COVID-19 and that there is much to be said for such interdisciplinarity in school science lessons when teaching about socio-scientific issues and issues intended to raise scientific literacy.


COVID-19 下的科学教育

在这份立场文件中,我研究了科学史、科学哲学和社会学 (HPS) 如何在 COVID-19 大流行时代为科学教育做出贡献。我讨论了学校科学中经常使用历史的方式的缺点,并研究了对以前流行病的了解如何有助于教授有关 COVID-19 的知识。我着眼于在 COVID-19 的背景下与测量有关的问题(例如死亡率数据的测量),以向学生介绍有关科学哲学的问题,并展示 COVID-19 如何具有扩大和深化的可供性学生通常在生物课上遇到的道德哲学。COVID-19 还提供了向学生介绍社会学思维方式、检查数据和质疑人类实践的机会。它还可以让学生看到科学是如何 经济和政治是相互关联的。在论文的最后一部分,我建议有强有力的论据支持跨学科方法来解决像 COVID-19 这样的人畜共患病问题,并且在教授社会科学问题时,学校科学课程中的这种跨学科性有很多话要说以及旨在提高科学素养的问题。