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From the Editor
Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-07 , DOI: 10.1177/8756087920940836
John R. Wagner 1

As I write this the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic continue with 8 million cases worldwide and 440 thousand deaths. It appears that the virus first emerged in August or September 2019. The world economy is in a contraction, the size of which is yet to be determined. While many business have been closed temporally or simply gone out of business, there are others that are prospering such as personal protective equipment, online meeting services. No one knows what the “new normal” will be or how long it will take to recover the economy. The correct way to contain the virus is a debated issue with some countries using draconian measures to prevent the spread, others taking a laissez-faire attitude, some not practicing social distancing and others in denial. Time will tell what the most effective strategy was. In the meantime, the counties that guessed wrong will pay a great price in terms of people dying and a crippled economy. Then to add to this issue the killing of an African American man (George Floyd) by police during an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25, 2020. This exposed the endemic racism that exists in the United States. This was not a single episode, rather just another event in an ongoing oppression of black and brown people in the United States. This may just be the straw that broke the camel’s back as it has led to weeks of peaceful protests, marred by opportunists who choose to loot, destroy and ferment insurrection. This movement has spread worldwide as racism is not just a USA problem. I hope that we can solve these ongoing issues without armed conflict. Violence does not bring peace and justice; compassion and understanding are important components to bring peace and justice to the world.


