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Quantized vortices in dipolar supersolid Bose-Einstein condensed gases
Physical Review A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 
A. Gallemí, S. M. Roccuzzo, S. Stringari, A. Recati

We investigate the properties of quantized vortices in a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensed gas by means of a generalised Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The size of the vortex core hugely increases by increasing the weight of the dipolar interaction, approaching the transition to the supersolid phase. The critical angular velocity for the existence of an energetically stable vortex decreases in the supersolid, due to the reduced value of the density in the interdroplet region. The angular momentum per particle associated with the vortex line is shown to be smaller than , reflecting the reduction of the global superfluidity. The real-time vortex nucleation in a rotating trap is shown to be triggered, as for a standard condensate, by the softening of the quadrupole mode. For large angular velocities, when the distance between vortices becomes comparable to the interdroplet distance, the vortices are arranged into a honeycomb structure, which coexists with the triangular geometry of the supersolid lattice and persists during the free expansion of the atomic cloud.


