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Exposure to greenspace and birth weight in a middle-income country.
Environmental Research ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109866
Maria Torres Toda 1 , Mohammad Miri 2 , Lucia Alonso 3 , Maria Dolores Gómez-Roig 4 , Maria Foraster 1 , Payam Dadvand 1

An emerging body of evidence has associated exposure to greenspace during pregnancy with improved fetal growth; however, all available studies have been conducted in high-income countries and the available evidence evaluating such an association for visual access to greenspace, use of green spaces and indoor plants is non-existent. We aimed to evaluate the association between a comprehensive array of indicators of exposure to greenspace during pregnancy, including the aforementioned indicators, and birth weight, in a middle-income country and evaluating air pollution and visual access as possible mechanisms underlying the association. This study was based on 301 pregnant women residing in Su et al. (2019). For each pregnant woman, we characterized exposure to residential surrounding greenspace, visual access to greenspace, residential proximity to green space, use of green spaces, and the number of plant pots at home. We used linear regression models adjusted for relevant covariates including measures of socioeconomic status. We found positive associations of maternal exposure to residential surrounding greenspace across a 100 m buffer, frequent viewing of greenspace through the window, percentage of window area covered by greenspace, residential proximity to any green space regardless of its area, time spent in public green spaces and total time spent in public and private green spaces with birth weight. We also observed positive associations of maternal exposure to residential surrounding greenspace across 300 m and 500 m buffers, residential proximity to a green space with an area ≥5000 m2, and indoor plant pots with birth weight, but none of these associations were statistically significant. The magnitude of the associations tended to be higher among parents with lower socioeconomic status. Mediation through air pollution or visual access was not established. Findings from this study suggested a positive role of different aspects of exposure to greenspace during pregnancy on birth weight in a middle-income country.



越来越多的证据表明,怀孕期间接触绿色空间与胎儿生长加快有关。但是,所有可用的研究都在高收入国家进行,并且尚无评估这种视觉上接近绿色空间,使用绿色空间和室内植物的关联的现有证据。我们旨在评估中等收入国家怀孕期间包括上述指标在内的一系列全面的绿色暴露指标与出生体重之间的关联,并评估空气污染和视觉获得作为关联的潜在机制。这项研究基于居住在Su等人中的301名孕妇。(2019)。对于每位孕妇,我们对暴露在住宅周围绿地中,视觉进入绿地,住宅附近的绿色空间,绿色空间的使用以及家里的花盆数量。我们使用针对相关协变量(包括社会经济地位衡量指标)进行调整的线性回归模型。我们发现孕产妇在100 m缓冲区内暴露于住宅周围绿地的积极关联,通过窗户频繁查看绿地,绿地覆盖的窗户面积百分比,无论其面积如何住宅与任何绿地的接近程度,在公共绿地上花费的时间以及在有出生体重的公共和私人绿色空间中花费的总时间。我们还观察到孕产妇暴露于300 m和500 m缓冲区,居住区临近≥5000 m绿地的居民周围绿地的正相关关系 我们使用针对相关协变量(包括社会经济地位衡量指标)进行调整的线性回归模型。我们发现孕产妇在100 m缓冲区内暴露于住宅周围绿地的积极关联,通过窗户频繁查看绿地,绿地覆盖的窗户面积百分比,无论其面积如何住宅与任何绿地的接近程度,在公共绿地上花费的时间以及在有出生体重的公共和私人绿色空间中花费的总时间。我们还观察到孕产妇暴露于300 m和500 m缓冲区,居住区临近≥5000 m绿地的居民周围绿地的正相关关系 我们使用针对相关协变量(包括社会经济地位衡量指标)进行调整的线性回归模型。我们发现孕妇在100 m缓冲区内暴露于住宅周围绿地的积极关联,通过窗户频繁查看绿地,绿地覆盖的窗户面积百分比,无论其面积如何住宅与任何绿地的接近程度,在公共绿地上花费的时间以及在有出生体重的公共和私人绿色空间中花费的总时间。我们还观察到孕产妇暴露于300 m和500 m缓冲区,居住区临近≥5000 m绿地的居民周围绿地的正相关关系 我们发现孕产妇在100 m缓冲区内暴露于住宅周围绿地的积极关联,通过窗户频繁查看绿地,绿地覆盖的窗户面积百分比,无论其面积如何住宅与任何绿地的接近程度,在公共绿地上花费的时间以及在有出生体重的公共和私人绿色空间中花费的总时间。我们还观察到孕产妇暴露于300 m和500 m缓冲区,居住区临近≥5000 m绿地的居民周围绿地的正相关关系 我们发现孕产妇在100 m缓冲区内暴露于住宅周围绿地的积极关联,通过窗户频繁查看绿地,绿地覆盖的窗户面积百分比,无论其面积如何住宅与任何绿地的接近程度,在公共绿地上花费的时间以及在有出生体重的公共和私人绿色空间中花费的总时间。我们还观察到孕产妇暴露于300 m和500 m缓冲区,居住区临近≥5000 m的绿地的居民周围绿地的正相关关系 在公共绿地上花费的时间,以及在公共和私人绿地上花费的总时间。我们还观察到孕产妇暴露于300 m和500 m缓冲区,居住区临近≥5000 m绿地的居民周围绿地的正相关关系 在公共绿地上花费的时间以及在公共和私人绿地上花费的总时间。我们还观察到孕产妇暴露于300 m和500 m缓冲区,居住区临近≥5000 m绿地的居民周围绿地的正相关关系2和室内花盆具有出生体重,但这些关联均无统计学意义。社会经济地位较低的父母之间的联系程度往往较高。没有建立通过空气污染或视觉途径进行调解的方式。这项研究的结果表明,在中等收入国家,怀孕期间暴露于绿色空间的不同方面对于出生体重具有积极作用。
