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Family Contextual Factors are Differentially Associated with Depressive Symptoms among Boys and Girls with Perinatally Acquired HIV.
AIDS and Behavior ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10461-020-02966-3
Deborah A G Drabick 1, 2 , Rafaella Jakubovic 1 , Lindsay Myerberg 1 , Jenika Hardeman 1 , Sharon Nachman 3 , Kenneth D Gadow 4

Youth with perinatally acquired HIV (PHIV) are at risk for depressive symptoms, which are associated with a range of adverse outcomes. Although family contextual factors associated with depressive symptoms differ among boys and girls without PHIV, it is unclear whether this is also the case among youth with PHIV. Participants included 314 youth with PHIV (M = 12.88, SD = 3.08 years old; 51% male; 85% Black/Latinx) and their caregivers. Higher levels of caregivers’ own depressive symptoms, caregiver-child detachment, and family conflict were associated with higher levels of caregiver-reported youth depressive symptoms. Less consistent discipline was associated with higher levels of youth-reported depressive symptoms. Higher youth-reported depressive symptoms were associated with greater family cohesion among boys and greater caregiver detachment among girls. Consideration of contextual variables is essential for interventions for depressive symptoms among youth with PHIV, but attention to sex differences with family contextual factors is also important.


家庭背景因素与围产期感染 HIV 的男孩和女孩的抑郁症状有不同的关联。

围产期感染艾滋病毒 (PHIV) 的青少年有出现抑郁症状的风险,这与一系列不良后果有关。尽管与抑郁症状相关的家庭背景因素在未感染 PHIV 的男孩和女孩中有所不同,但尚不清楚感染 PHIV 的青年是否也是如此。参与者包括 314 名患有 PHIV 的青年(M  = 12.88,SD = 3.08 岁;51% 男性;85% 黑人/拉丁裔)和他们的照顾者。照料者自身的抑郁症状、照料者与孩子的分离和家庭冲突水平较高与照料者报告的青年抑郁症状水平较高有关。较不统一的纪律与青年报告的抑郁症状水平较高有关。青少年报告的抑郁症状越高,男孩的家庭凝聚力越大,女孩的照顾者越疏离。考虑环境变量对于 PHIV 青年的抑郁症状干预至关重要,但关注性别差异与家庭环境因素也很重要。
