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Impact of a mobile phone app on adherence to treatment regimens among hypertensive patients: A randomised clinical trial study
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-07 , DOI: 10.1177/1474515120938235
Nasser Ibrahim Abu-El-Noor 1 , Yousef Ibrahim Aljeesh 1 , Bettina Bottcher 1 , Mysoon Khalil Abu-El-Noor 1

BACKGROUND Hypertension is one of the most prevalent long-term diseases seen in many countries, including Palestine. Patients with poorly controlled blood pressure are more likely to develop several complications. Therefore; it is imperative to control their blood pressure by improving their adherence to the treatment regimen. AIM The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of using a mobile phone app on the level of adherence to treatment regimens among hypertensive patients in the Gaza Strip. METHODS AND RESULTS This study used an experimental design with a pre and post-intervention assessment. Using the Hill-Bone compliance to high blood pressure therapy scale, 191 participants completed the study: 94 in the control group and 97 in the intervention group. The intervention group used a phone app which reminds participants to take their medication, reminding them about their follow-up appointments and sending educational information about hypertension management. After 3 months of intervention, the level of adherence to treatment was reassessed. Results showed that participants in both groups showed a significant improvement in adherence levels, with higher improvements in the intervention group in the total score as well as all three domain scores: adherence to medication, diet and keeping appointments. CONCLUSION The use of a mobile phone app resulted in improvements in adherence to hypertension treatment. Thus, this study confirms the potential effectiveness of mobile technology in improving treatment adherence in hypertension and an opportunity to reduce cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. However, wider adoption has to be accompanied by ongoing evaluation and integration in public health systems.



背景技术高血压是在包括巴勒斯坦在内的许多国家看到的最普遍的长期疾病之一。血压控制不佳的患者更容易出现多种并发症。所以; 必须通过提高他们对治疗方案的依从性来控制他们的血压。目的 本研究的目的是评估使用手机应用程序对加沙地带高血压患者治疗方案依从性水平的影响。方法和结果 本研究采用实验设计和干预前和干预后评估。使用 Hill-Bone 高血压治疗依从性量表,191 名参与者完成了研究:对照组 94 人,干预组 97 人。干预组使用手机应用程序提醒参与者服药,提醒他们后续预约,并发送有关高血压管理的教育信息。干预3个月后,重新评估治疗依从性水平。结果显示,两组参与者的依从性水平都有显着提高,干预组的总分以及所有三个领域的得分都有更高的提高:坚持服药、饮食和保持约会。结论 手机应用程序的使用提高了高血压治疗的依从性。因此,这项研究证实了移动技术在提高高血压治疗依从性方面的潜在有效性,以及降低心血管死亡率和发病率的机会。