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Palynological evidence supporting widespread synchronicity of Early Jurassic silicic volcanism throughout the Transantarctic Basin
Antarctic Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s0954102020000346
Jan Unverfärth , Thomas Mörs , Benjamin Bomfleur

Throughout the Transantarctic Mountains, Early Jurassic silicic magmatism preceding the emplacement of the Ferrar flood-basalt province (Heimann et al. 1994) is documented by the increasing input of silicic ash into otherwise epiclastic, fluviolacustrine deposits of the Beacon Supergroup (see Elliot et al. 2017). Vertebrate biostratigraphy and radiometric analyses indicate a Sinemurian to Pliensbachian age span for silicic volcaniclastic deposits in the central Transantarctic Mountains (CTMs) (Elliot et al. 2017). For northern Victoria Land (NVL), radiometric geochronology and palynostratigraphy revealed that explosive silicic volcanism began with minor pulses during the early Sinemurian (c. 195 Ma) and reached a peak phase beginning in the middle Pliensbachian (c. 187 Ma) (Bomfleur et al. 2014). A basin-wide correlation of these widely separated age frameworks has so far been hampered by the scarcity of data on coeval deposits in southern Victoria Land (SVL). Here, we present new palynostratigraphic data from mixed epiclastic–volcaniclastic deposits in the Prince Albert Mountains that provide supporting evidence for the widespread synchronicity of silicic volcanic episodes preceding Ferrar magmatism.



在整个跨南极山脉,早侏罗世硅质岩浆作用在费拉尔洪水玄武岩省(海曼等。1994 年)通过增加硅灰输入到 Beacon 超群(见 Elliot等。2017)。脊椎动物生物地层学和辐射测量分析表明,中部跨南极山脉 (CTM) 的硅质火山碎屑沉积物的年龄跨度为 Sinemurian 到 Pliensbachian (Elliot等。2017)。对于维多利亚州北部(NVL),辐射地质年代学和孢粉地层学显示,爆发性硅质火山活动始于早期的西尼穆尔纪(Sinemurian)的小脉冲(C. 195 Ma) 并在中 Pliensbachian (C. 187 Ma) (Bomfleur)等。2014)。迄今为止,由于缺乏有关维多利亚州南部 (SVL) 同期沉积物的数据,这些广泛分离的年龄框架在整个流域范围内的相关性一直受到阻碍。在这里,我们提供了来自阿尔伯特王子山混合的碎屑-火山碎屑沉积物的新孢粉地层学数据,这些数据为费拉尔岩浆作用之前的硅质火山事件的广泛同步性提供了支持性证据。