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Halorina cryptica nov. ichnogen., nov. ichnosp., mass-occurrence of Upper Triassic crustacean microcoprolites from neptunian dikes and sills cutting the Dachstein-type carbonate platform and their paleoenvironmental significance (Northern Apuseni Mountains, Romania)
Geobios ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2020.06.003
Iuliana Lazăr , Felix Schlagintweit , Eugen Grădinaru

Abstract The new crustacean microcoprolite Halorina cryptica nov. ichnogen., nov. ichnosp., is reported from cryptic cavities cutting the Upper Triassic (Carnian to lower Rhaetian) Dachstein-type limestones from the Northern Apuseni Mountains, Romania. The new ichnotaxon is extremely abundant in cavities, neptunian dikes and sills filled with red ferruginous carbonate sediment. The associated microfauna consists of ostracods and rare foraminifera. The microfacies is represented by bioclastic coprolite-bearing wackestone-packstone to grainstone. The red ferruginous carbonate fillings are strongly bioturbated. The neptunian sill located at the top of the studied section contains a rich ichnofauna associated with brachiopod accumulations. It is dominated by the dimerelloid rhynchonellid Halorella, indicating a late Norian-early Rhaetian age. Although neptunian dikes and sills are rather common in the Dachstein-type carbonate platform that extended on the northwestern Tethyan margin, we report here the first record of mass-occurrence of crustacean microcoprolites in neptunian dikes and sills filled with red carbonate sediments of marine origin. They are interpreted here as cryptic cavities with specific palaeoenvironmental features (e.g., lack of light, abundant nutrients, intensive microbial activity) where crustacean arthropods where thriving.


Halorina cryptica 十一月 11 月 11 日 ichnosp.,来自切割达赫斯坦型碳酸盐台地的海王星岩脉和基石的上三叠世甲壳类微粪石的质量分布及其古环境意义(罗马尼亚北部阿普塞尼山脉)

摘要 新的甲壳类微粪石 Halorina cryptica nov。11 月 11 日 ichnosp.,据报道来自罗马尼亚北部阿普塞尼山脉的上三叠纪(卡尼阶至雷蒂亚阶)达赫斯坦型石灰岩的神秘洞穴。在充满红色铁质碳酸盐沉积物的空洞、海王星岩脉和窗台中,新的鱼鳞类群落极其丰富。相关的微型动物群包括介形动物和稀有的有孔虫。微相以含生物碎屑粪化石的泥灰石-粒石到粒纹石为代表。红色铁质碳酸盐充填物受到强烈的生物扰动。位于研究部分顶部的海王星基石包含与腕足动物堆积相关的丰富鱼群。它主要由二聚体的鼠尾藻 Halorella 主导,表明它属于晚诺里安-早雷蒂亚时代。尽管在特提斯西北边缘延伸的 Dachstein 型碳酸盐台地中,海王星岩脉和窗台相当常见,但我们在此报告了海王星岩脉和充满海洋起源的红色碳酸盐沉积物的窗台中大量出现甲壳类微生物的首次记录。它们在这里被解释为具有特定古环境特征(例如,缺乏光照、丰富的营养、密集的微生物活动)的隐蔽空洞,甲壳类节肢动物在此繁衍生息。