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Fracture-Induced Permeability in Whitby Mudstone.
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-06 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c00557
Maartje E Houben 1 , Jasmijn C M van Eeden 1 , Auke Barnhoorn 2 , Suzanne J T Hangx 1

Shale host rock and containment potential are largely determined by the connected pore network in the rock, and the connection between the pore network and the naturally present or mechanically induced fracture network together determines the total bulk permeability. Pore connectivity in shales is poorly understood because most of the porosity is present in sub-micrometer-sized pores that are connected through nanometer-sized pore throats. We have used a number of different techniques to investigate the microstructure and permeability of Early Jurassic shales from the UK (Whitby Mudstone), under intact and fractured conditions. Whitby Mudstone is a clay matrix-rich rock (50–70%), with different mineralogical layers on the sub-millimeter scale and very low natural permeability (10–19 to 10–22 m2), representative of many gas shales and caprocks present in Europe. Artificial fracturing of this shale increases its permeability by 2–5 orders of magnitude at low confining pressure (5 MPa). At high confining pressures (30 MPa), permeability changes were more sensitive to the measuring direction with respect to the bedding orientation. Given the distinct lack of well-defined damage zones, most of the permeability increase is controlled by fracture permeability, which is sensitive to the coupled hydro-chemo-mechanical response of the fractures to fluids.



页岩主岩和围挡势在很大程度上取决于岩石中连通的孔隙网络,孔隙网络与自然存在或机械诱发的裂缝网络之间的联系共同决定了总的渗透率。人们对页岩中的孔隙连通性了解甚少,因为大多数孔隙存在于通过纳米级孔喉连接的亚微米级孔隙中。我们使用了许多不同的技术来研究来自英国(惠特比泥岩(Whitby Mudstone))的侏罗纪早期页岩在完整和破裂的条件下的微观结构和渗透性。惠特比泥岩(Whitby Mudstone)是富含粘土基质的岩石(50-70%),在亚毫米尺度上具有不同的矿物学层,并且自然渗透率非常低(10 –19至10 –22)m 2),代表了欧洲目前存在的许多天然气页岩和盖层。页岩的人工压裂在低围压(5 MPa)下将其渗透率提高了2-5个数量级。在高围压(30 MPa)下,渗透率变化相对于层理方向对测量方向更敏感。考虑到明显缺乏明确界定的破坏带,大多数渗透率的增加是由裂缝渗透率控制的,裂缝渗透率对裂缝对流体的耦合水-化学-机械响应很敏感。