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Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126780
Francesco Esposito , Valeria Memoli , Speranza Claudia Panico , Gabriella Di Natale , Marco Trifuoggi , Antonella Giarra , Giulia Maisto

Abstract In urban areas, particulate matter (PM) is the most abundant airborne pollutant. Plants have been reported to filter PM, as leaves may intercept and adsorb it. The aims of the research were: i) to evaluate if leaves of Quercus ilex L., an ornamental species proven to be a good monitor of air quality, of different ages (1 and 2 years old) differed for the main leaf traits; ii) to assess the efficiency of Q. ilex L. leaves of different ages to intercept particulate matter of two sizes (PM>10 and PM10); iii) to highlight the leaf traits that enhanced the accumulation of PM>10 and PM10 on leaf surface. The research was performed at four municipalities on the outskirts of Naples (Southern Italy). In April 2018, Q. ilex L. leaves of one and two years old were collected and then described for length, width, area, thickness, circularity, dry matter content and petiole length. The tested hypotheses were: older leaves, that should have high values of the investigated leaf traits, intercept and accumulate greater amounts of PM; leaves with greater circularity, width and length, and with lower dry matter content are expected to accumulate more PM. The findings highlighted that Q. ilex leaves of different ages did not statistically differ neither for the investigated leaf traits nor for the amounts of accumulated PM>10 and PM10; the greater amount of PM was observed in Q. ilex leaves with higher circularity and lower dry matter content; smaller width leaves seem to favour the accumulation of PM>10 and those with smaller length the accumulation of PM10.



摘要 在城市地区,颗粒物(PM)是最丰富的空气污染物。据报道,植物可以过滤 PM,因为叶子可能会拦截并吸附 PM。研究的目的是: i) 评估不同年龄(1 岁和 2 岁)的栎属植物(一种被证明是良好的空气质量监测器)的叶子的主要叶子性状是否不同;ii) 评估不同年龄的冬青树叶拦截两种尺寸(PM>10 和 PM10)颗粒物的效率;iii) 突出提高叶表面 PM>10 和 PM10 积累的叶性状。该研究是在那不勒斯(意大利南部)郊区的四个城市进行的。2018 年 4 月,收集 1 年和 2 年的 Q. ilex L. 叶子,然后描述了长度、宽度、面积、厚度、圆形度、干物质含量和叶柄长度。测试的假设是:较老的叶子,应该具有较高的研究叶子特征值,拦截并积累更多的 PM;圆形度、宽度和长度较大以及干物质含量较低的叶子预计会积累更多的 PM。研究结果强调,不同年龄的冬青叶在所研究的叶子性状和累积 PM>10 和 PM10 的数量上没有统计学差异;在圆度较高且干物质含量较低的冬青叶中观察到更多的 PM;宽度较小的叶子似乎有利于 PM>10 的积累,而长度较小的叶子则有利于 PM10 的积累。应该具有高价值的调查叶性状,拦截和积累更多的 PM;圆形度、宽度和长度较大以及干物质含量较低的叶子预计会积累更多的 PM。研究结果强调,不同年龄的冬青叶在所研究的叶子性状和累积 PM>10 和 PM10 的数量上没有统计学差异;在圆度较高和干物质含量较低的冬青叶中观察到更多的 PM;宽度较小的叶子似乎有利于 PM>10 的积累,而长度较小的叶子则有利于 PM10 的积累。应该具有高价值的调查叶性状,拦截和积累更多的 PM;圆形度、宽度和长度较大以及干物质含量较低的叶子预计会积累更多的 PM。研究结果强调,不同年龄的冬青叶在所研究的叶子性状和累积 PM>10 和 PM10 的数量上没有统计学差异;在圆度较高和干物质含量较低的冬青叶中观察到更多的 PM;宽度较小的叶子似乎有利于 PM>10 的积累,而长度较小的叶子则有利于 PM10 的积累。不同年龄的冬青叶在研究的叶子性状和累积 PM>10 和 PM10 的量方面没有统计学差异;在圆度较高和干物质含量较低的冬青叶中观察到更多的 PM;宽度较小的叶子似乎有利于 PM>10 的积累,而长度较小的叶子则有利于 PM10 的积累。不同年龄的冬青叶在研究的叶子性状和累积 PM>10 和 PM10 的量方面没有统计学差异;在圆度较高和干物质含量较低的冬青叶中观察到更多的 PM;宽度较小的叶子似乎有利于 PM>10 的积累,而长度较小的叶子则有利于 PM10 的积累。