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First experiences of teaching quantum computing
The Journal of Supercomputing ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s11227-020-03376-x
Ginés Carrascal , Alberto A. del Barrio , Guillermo Botella

Quantum computing is a reality that presents challenges to computer engineering students and practitioners. It has been claimed that it is possible to effectively teach quantum computing to undergraduate students without a physics background by means of computer programming. With this statement in mind, this study starts with a comparison and tests of different quantum programming environments: Qiskit from IBM, Cirq from Rigetti, PyQuil from Google, Q# from Microsoft and ProjectQ from ETH. A qualitative and quantitative analysis has been performed, focusing on cross-platform parameters such as qubits, circuit depth, number of gates and code design effort, and using three different adders as a testbench. Vedral and Cuccaro adders are quantum addition circuits based on linear depth and ripple carry, while the Draper adder is a QFT based on quantum carry lookahead. By taking this analysis into account, a methodology for teaching quantum computing is proposed which includes (1) using classical OOP to program a basic quantum simulator; (2) a quantum circuit test with a graphical interface; (3) the programming of real quantum computers with a programming language; and (4) a deep exploration of known quantum algorithms.



量子计算是一个现实,给计算机工程专业的学生和从业者带来了挑战。有人声称,可以通过计算机编程有效地向没有物理背景的本科生教授量子计算。考虑到这一点,本研究从对不同量子编程环境的比较和测试开始:IBM 的 Qiskit、Rigetti 的 Cirq、谷歌的 PyQuil、微软的 Q# 和 ETH 的 ProjectQ。进行了定性和定量分析,重点关注跨平台参数,如量子位、电路深度、门数和代码设计工作,并使用三个不同的加法器作为测试平台。Vedral 和 Cuccaro 加法器是基于线性深度和纹波进位的量子加法电路,而 Draper 加法器是基于量子进位前瞻的 QFT。考虑到这一分析,提出了一种教授量子计算的方法,包括(1)使用经典的面向对象编程来编写基本的量子模拟器;(2) 具有图形界面的量子电路测试;(3) 用编程语言对真正的量子计算机进行编程;(4) 对已知量子算法的深入探索。