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Is biodiversity underestimated by classical herbarium-based taxonomy? A multi-disciplinary case study in Satyrium (Orchidaceae)
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-04 , DOI: 10.1093/botlinnean/boaa041
Christo Botes 1 , Timotheüs van der Niet 1 , Richard M Cowling 2 , Steven D Johnson 1

Taxa relegated to synonymy with other superficially similar taxa based on herbarium-based taxonomy may be distinct species that are only ‘rediscovered’ on the collection of new, multi-disciplinary evidence. Here we investigate the case of Satyrium jacottetiae that has been included in the concept of S. membranaceum (Orchidaceae). The two taxa share similarities in some conspicuous traits, such as the dry and membranous floral bracts, light pink labellum and laceration of the petals, but a quantitative morphometric analysis based on 23 floral traits showed that the two taxa differentiate in ordination space. We found that the taxa can be distinguished by features of the rostellum (short and broad in S. jacottetiae and elongate and notched in S. membranaceum), which are not readily apparent from examination of herbarium specimens. A phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences further revealed that accessions of S. jacottetiae belong to a clade that contains two other Satyrium spp. but not S. membranaceum. The two taxa have largely non-overlapping distributions on slightly different soil types, but they also maintain their integrity in the few zones of overlap despite evidence indicating that both are primarily pollinated by nocturnal moths. Coexistence in these cases of sympatry appears to be facilitated by a sequential difference in flowering times. We conclude that S. jacottetiae and S. membranaceum are morphologically, phylogenetically, geographically and ecologically distinct and should therefore be recognized as separate species. This study highlights the importance of multi-disciplinary taxonomic effort to avoid under-assessment of biodiversity.



在基于植物标本室分类法的基础上,与其他表面相似的分类法同义的分类法可能是仅在新的,多学科证据收集中才“重新发现”的独特物种。在这里,我们调查了沙门氏菌Satyrium jacottetiae)的病例,该菌已被包括在S. membranaceum(兰科)的概念中。两种分类群在一些明显的性状上具有相似性,例如干燥和膜状的花片,浅粉红色的标签花和花瓣的裂伤,但是基于23个花卉特征的定量形态分析表明,这两个分类群在排序空间上有所区别。我们发现,该类群的特征可以是rostellum(在S. jacottetiae中短而宽,而在S. jacottetiae中长而有缺口)。S. membranaceum),从标本室标本的检查中不容易看出。核核糖体DNA序列的系统发生分析进一步揭示的种质S. jacottetiae属于包含两个其他进化枝Satyrium属。但没有膜链霉菌。这两个分类单元在略有不同的土壤类型上具有大部分不重叠的分布,但是尽管有证据表明它们都主要是由夜蛾授粉,但它们在少数重叠区域也保持了完整性。在这些共生情况下,开花时间的顺序不同似乎促进了共存。我们得出的结论是,S。jacottetiaeS. membranaceum在形态,系统发育,地理和生态上是不同的,因此应视为独立物种。这项研究强调了多学科分类工作的重要性,以避免对生物多样性的评估不足。