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Pelagic anglerfishes (Lophiiformes: Ceratioidei) of The Gully Marine Protected Area
Marine Biology Research ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2020.1771598
Trevor J. Kenchington 1 , Daphne E. Themelis 2 , Shannon C. DeVaney 3 , Theodore W. Pietsch 4

A listing of the ceratioid anglerfishes occurring in and around The Gully, a submarine canyon and Marine Protected Area (‘MPA’) off the coast of Nova Scotia that has been reserved to protect its biodiversity, is provided. The compilation was based on 138 specimens, including members of at least 24 species, collected during four midwater-trawl surveys at meso- and bathypelagic depths, supplemented by previous records from the surrounding region. The Gully specimens included seven new records for Canadian waters, two representing major extensions of reported ranges for Bufoceratias wedli and Gigantactis herwigi. In all, more than 40 species, a quarter of the global total of ceratioids, have either been confirmed as occurring in the MPA or can be anticipated as being present occasionally. However, most of the species are effectively planktonic and are carried through the MPA by along-slope and up-canyon currents, without receiving effective protection while in the Area. As iconic examples of the deep-sea fauna, they nevertheless remain important to the MPA’s public-outreach functions.



提供了在新斯科舍省海岸附近的海峡,海底峡谷和海洋保护区(The Gully)及其周边地区出现的斑节鱼的清单,该保护区已被保留以保护其生物多样性。该汇编基于138个标本,包括至少24个物种的成员,这些标本是在中,深浮游深度进行的四次拖网调查中收集的,并补充了周围地区的先前记录。沟谷标本包括加拿大水域的七个新记录,其中两个代表了Bufoceratias wedliGigantactis herwigi报道范围的主要扩展。。总计,已经证实MPA中有40多种物种,占全球ceratioid总数的四分之一,或者可以预期偶尔存在。但是,大多数物种实际上是浮游生物,并通过沿斜坡和上峡谷流流经MPA,而在“区域”内没有得到有效保护。作为深海动物区系的标志性例子,它们对于MPA的公共宣传功能仍然很重要。
