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Switching Diseased Cells from Cytosolic Aerobic Glycolysis to Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation: A Metabolic Rhythm Regulated by Melatonin?
Journal of Pineal Research ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1111/jpi.12677
Russel J Reiter 1 , Ramaswamy Sharma 1 , Qiang Ma 1

This commentary reviews the concept of the circadian melatonin rhythm playing an essential role in reducing the development of diseases such as solid tumors which adopt cytosolic aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect) to support their enhanced metabolism. Experimental data show that solid mammary tumors depend on aerobic glycolysis during the day but likely revert to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation at night for ATP production. This conversion of diseased cells during the day to a healthier phenotype at night occurs under control of the circulating melatonin rhythm. When the nocturnal melatonin rise is inhibited by light exposure at night, cancer cells function in the diseased state 24/7. The ability of melatonin to switch cancer cells as well as other diseased cells, for example, Alzheimer disease, fibrosis, hyperactivation of macrophages, etc, from aerobic glycolysis to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation may be a basic protective mechanism to reduce pathologies.



这篇评论回顾了昼夜节律褪黑激素节律的概念,它在减少疾病的发展方面发挥着重要作用,例如实体瘤采用细胞溶质有氧糖酵解(Warburg 效应)来支持其增强的新陈代谢。实验数据表明,实体乳腺肿瘤在白天依赖于有氧糖酵解,但可能在夜间恢复为线粒体氧化磷酸化以产生 ATP。这种白天患病细胞向夜间更健康表型的转化是在循环褪黑激素节律的控制下发生的。当夜间的褪黑激素升高受到夜间光照的抑制时,癌细胞就会在患病状态下 24/7 发挥作用。褪黑激素转换癌细胞以及其他患病细胞的能力,例如阿尔茨海默病、纤维化、巨噬细胞过度活化、