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Two Intermediate-mass Transiting Brown Dwarfs from the TESS Mission
The Astronomical Journal ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/ab9b84
Theron W. Carmichael 1, 2 , Samuel N. Quinn 2 , Alexander J. Mustill 3 , Chelsea Huang 4 , George Zhou 2 , Carina M. Persson 5 , Louise D. Nielsen 6 , Karen A. Collins 2 , Carl Ziegler 7 , Kevin I. Collins 8 , Joseph E. Rodriguez 2 , Avi Shporer 4 , Rafael Brahm 9, 10 , Andrew W. Mann 11 , Francois Bouchy 6 , Malcolm Fridlund 5, 12 , Keivan G. Stassun 13, 14 , Coel Hellier 15 , Julia V. Seidel 6 , Manu Stalport 6 , Stephane Udry 6 , Francesco Pepe 6 , Michael Ireland 16 , Maruša Žerjal 16 , Csar Briceo 17 , Nicholas Law 11 , Andrs Jordn 9, 10 , Nstor Espinoza 18 , Thomas Henning 19 , Paula Sarkis 19 , David W. Latham 2

We report the discovery of two intermediate-mass brown dwarfs (BDs), TOI-569b and TOI-1406b, from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite mission. TOI-569b has an orbital period of $P = 6.55604 \pm 0.00016$ days, a mass of $M_b = 64.1 \pm 1.9 M_J$, and a radius of $R_b = 0.75 \pm 0.02 R_J$. Its host star, TOI-569, has a mass of $M_\star = 1.21 \pm 0.03 M_\odot$, a radius of $R_\star = 1.47 \pm 0.03 R_\odot$, $\rm [Fe/H] = +0.29 \pm 0.09$ dex, and an effective temperature of $T_{\rm eff} = 5768 \pm 110K$. TOI-1406b has an orbital period of $P = 10.57415 \pm 0.00063$ days, a mass of $M_b =46.0 \pm 2.7 M_J$, and a radius of $R_b = 0.86 \pm 0.03 R_J$. The host star for this BD has a mass of $M_\star =1 .18 \pm 0.09 M_\odot$, a radius of $R_\star = 1.35 \pm 0.03 R_\odot$, $ \rm [Fe/H] = -0.08 \pm 0.09$ dex and an effective temperature of $T_{\rm eff} = 6290 \pm 100K$. Both BDs are in circular orbits around their host stars and are older than 3 Gyr based on stellar isochrone models of the stars. TOI-569 is one of two slightly evolved stars known to host a transiting BD (the other being KOI-415). TOI-1406b is one of three known transiting BDs to occupy the mass range of $40-50 M_J$ and one of two to have a circular orbit at a period near 10 days (with the first being KOI-205b).Both BDs have reliable ages from stellar isochrones in addition to their well-constrained masses and radii, making them particularly valuable as tests for substellar isochrones in the BD mass-radius diagram.


来自 TESS 任务的两个中等质量过境褐矮星

我们报告了 NASA 过境系外行星勘测卫星任务中发现的两个中等质量褐矮星 (BD),TOI-569b 和 TOI-1406b。TOI-569b 的轨道周期为 $P = 6.55604 \pm 0.00016$ 天,质量 $M_b = 64.1 \pm 1.9 M_J$,半径 $R_b = 0.75 \pm 0.02 R_J$。它的主星 TOI-569 的质量为 $M_\star = 1.21 \pm 0.03 M_\odot$,半径为 $R_\star = 1.47 \pm 0.03 R_\odot$, $\rm [Fe/H ] = +0.29 \pm 0.09$ dex,有效温度 $T_{\rm eff} = 5768 \pm 110K$。TOI-1406b 的轨道周期为 $P = 10.57415 \pm 0.00063$ 天,质量 $M_b =46.0 \pm 2.7 M_J$,半径 $R_b = 0.86 \pm 0.03 R_J$。该BD的主星质量为$M_\star =1 .18 \pm 0.09 M_\odot$,半径为$R_\star = 1.35 \pm 0.03 R_\odot$, $ \rm [Fe/H ] = -0.08 \pm 0。09$ dex 和有效温度 $T_{\rm eff} = 6290 \pm 100K$。两个 BD 都在围绕它们的主恒星的圆形轨道上运行,并且根据恒星的等时线模型,它们的年龄都超过 3 Gyr。TOI-569 是已知拥有过境 BD 的两颗稍微进化的恒星之一(另一颗是 KOI-415)。TOI-1406b 是三个已知的过境 BD 之一,质量范围为 40-50 M_J$,两个中的一个在接近 10 天的周期内具有圆形轨道(第一个是 KOI-205b)。两个 BD 都有可靠的除了它们受到良好约束的质量和半径之外,来自恒星等时线的年龄,使它们在 BD 质量半径图中作为亚恒星等时线的测试特别有价值。TOI-569 是已知拥有过境 BD 的两颗稍微进化的恒星之一(另一颗是 KOI-415)。TOI-1406b 是三个已知的过境 BD 之一,质量范围为 40-50 M_J$,两个中的一个在接近 10 天的周期内具有圆形轨道(第一个是 KOI-205b)。两个 BD 都有可靠的除了它们受到良好约束的质量和半径之外,来自恒星等时线的年龄,使它们在 BD 质量半径图中作为亚恒星等时线的测试特别有价值。TOI-569 是已知拥有过境 BD 的两颗稍微进化的恒星之一(另一颗是 KOI-415)。TOI-1406b 是三个已知的过境 BD 之一,质量范围为 40-50 M_J$,两个中的一个在接近 10 天的周期内具有圆形轨道(第一个是 KOI-205b)。两个 BD 都有可靠的除了它们受到良好约束的质量和半径之外,来自恒星等时线的年龄,使它们在 BD 质量半径图中作为亚恒星等时线的测试特别有价值。