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Effects of high-jorbitals, pairing, and deformed neutron shells on upbendings of ground-state bands in the neutron-rich even-even isotopes170−−184Hf
Physical Review C ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 
Xiao-Tao He, Yang Cao, Xiao-Ling Gan

The ground-state bands (GSBs) in the even-even hafnium isotopes 170184Hf are investigated by using the cranked shell model (CSM) with pairing correlations treated by the particle-number conserving (PNC) method. The experimental kinematic moments of inertia are reproduced very well by theoretical calculations. The second upbending of the GSB at high frequency ω0.5 MeV observed (predicted) in 172Hf (170,174178Hf) attributes to the sudden alignments of the proton high-j orbitals π1i13/2 (1/2+[660]), π1h9/2 (1/2[541]) and orbital π1h11/2 (7/2[523]). The first upbendings of GSBs at low frequency ω=0.20.3 MeV in 170178Hf, which locate below the deformed neutron shell N=108, attribute to the alignment of the neutron orbital ν1i13/2. For the heavier even-even isotopes 180184Hf, compared to the lighter isotopes, the first bandcross is delayed to the high frequency due to the existence of the deformed shells N=108,116. The upbendings of GSBs in 180184Hf are predicted to occur at ω0.5MeV, which come from the sharp raise of the simultaneous alignments of both proton π1i13/2, π1h9/2 and neutron ν2g9/2 orbitals. The pairing correlation plays a very important role in the rotational properties of GSBs in even-even isotopes 180184Hf. Its effects on upbendings and band-crossing frequencies are investigated.



偶数ha同位素中的基态带(GSB) 170-184通过使用具有颗粒数守恒(PNC)方法处理的配对相关性的曲柄壳模型(CSM)研究Hf。通过理论计算可以很好地再现实验的运动惯性矩。GSB在高频下第二次上升ω0.5 MeV观测(预测)于 172高频170174-178Hf)归因于质子高位的突然对齐-Ĵ 轨道 π1个一世13/2 1个/2+[660]π1个H9/2 1个/2-[541] 和轨道 π1个H11/2 7/2-[523]。低频GSB的首次上升ω=0.2-0.3 MeV输入 170-178Hf,位于变形的中子壳下方 ñ=108,归因于中子轨道的对准 ν1个一世13/2。对于较重的偶数同位素180-184Hf,与较轻的同位素相比,由于存在变形的壳层,因此第一个带隙被延迟至高频 ñ=108116。GSB的崛起180-184预计Hf发生在 ω0.5MeV,来自两个质子同时排列的急剧上升 π1个一世13/2π1个H9/2 和中子 ν2G9/2轨道。配对相关性在偶数同位素中GSB的旋转特性中起着非常重要的作用180-184f 研究了其对上升和跨频带频率的影响。