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Conceptual Framework of Energy Dissipation During Disintegration in Rock Avalanches
Frontiers in Earth Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.00263
Sibylle Knapp , Michael Krautblatter

Rock avalanches usually progress through three consecutive phases: Detachment (Phase 1), Disintegration (Phase 2), and Flow (Phase 3). While significant advances have been achieved in modeling Rock Avalanche Phase 1 (Detachment) and Phase 3 (Flow), the crucial link between both during Phase 2 (Disintegration) is still poorly understood. Disintegration of the detached rock mass is often initiated as soon as sliding starts, and in situ measurements are impossible due to the excessive energy release equivalent to multiple nuclear explosions. Better understanding the energy dissipation during Phase 2, and the resulting residual kinetic energy that propels the rock avalanche in Phase 3, is one of the keys to defining the mechanical properties of the avalanche in the runout zone and thus also the resisting force within the avalanche. This paper is a review of our knowledge of energy dissipation in rock avalanches with a focus on processes like friction, collision, fragmentation, comminution, entrainment and explosion during the phase of disintegration. We distinguish between energy sources and sinks and consider not only physical processes, but also chemical alterations that might occur at high temperatures. With that, we make a contribution to improve our understanding of Phase 2 “Disintegration,” which is needed for accurately modeling rock avalanches and assessing their hazard potential.



岩石雪崩通常会经历三个连续的阶段:分离(阶段1),崩解(阶段2)和流动(阶段3)。尽管在建模岩石雪崩的第1阶段(分离)和第3阶段(流动)方面已取得了重大进展,但对第2阶段(分解)期间两者之间的关键联系仍然知之甚少。滑移开始后,通常会立即开始分离岩体的崩解,并且原位由于过量的能量释放相当于多次核爆炸,因此无法进行测量。更好地了解阶段2的能量耗散以及由此产生的在阶段3推动岩石雪崩的残余动能,是定义跳动区雪崩力学特性以及雪崩内阻力的关键之一。 。本文是对我们在岩石雪崩中的能量消散知识的综述,重点是崩解阶段的摩擦,碰撞,破碎,粉碎,夹带和爆炸等过程。我们区分能源和汇,不仅考虑物理过程,还考虑高温下可能发生的化学变化。接着就,随即,
