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Physico-Chemical and Microstructural Changes during the Drying of Persimmon Fruit cv. Rojo Brillante Harvested in Two Maturity Stages.
Foods ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.3390/foods9070870
Nariane Q Vilhena 1 , Rebeca Gil 1 , Empar Llorca 2 , Gemma Moraga 2 , Alejandra Salvador 1

The physico-chemical and microstructural changes of “Rojo Brillante” persimmons in two maturity stages (S1 and S2) were evaluated during air drying. The maturity stage influences moisture loss. A Moisture level of approximately 50%, a limit at which persimmons are considered semidried, was reached after 21 and 28 days for S1 and S2, respectively. Shrinkage resulting from water removal led to secondary epidermis formation concomitantly to internal flesh gelling, which was related to moisture loss and water activity changes of each fruit part. The thicker epidermis and the lower volume of gelled area inside the S1 fruits led to harder fruit compared to the S2 fruits. The microstructural study revealed parenchyma degradation during drying in both the outermost area (secondary epidermis) and internal flesh, and this process was faster in S1 than in S2. The second peel presented hollows, generated by water outflow, which were bigger in S1 and explained the faster internal dehydration in S1. During drying, slight browning occurred, as reflected in the declining color parameters (L*, h* and C*). Water removal led to soluble solids tannin reduction to non-astringency values on day 28.


柿果干燥过程中的理化和微观结构变化 Rojo Brillante分两个成熟阶段收获。

在风干过程中,评估了“ Rojo Brillante”柿子在两个成熟阶段(S1和S2)的理化和微观结构变化。成熟阶段影响水分流失。S1和S2分别在21天和28天后达到了大约50%的水分含量,这是柿子被视为半干燥的极限。水分去除引起的收缩导致继发表皮的形成并伴随着内部果肉的胶凝,这与水分损失和每个水果部分的水分活度变化有关。与S2水果相比,S1水果内部的表皮较厚且凝胶区域的体积较小,导致较硬的水果。微观结构研究表明,干燥过程中最外层区域(次生表皮)和内部果肉中的薄壁组织退化,并且在S1中此过程比在S2中更快。第二个果皮出现了由水流出而产生的空洞,在S1中较大,说明了S1内部脱水更快。在干燥过程中,发生了轻微的褐变,反映为颜色参数的下降(L *h *C *)。在第28天除水导致可溶性固体单宁减少至不涩味值。