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Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants: 71
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12217
Wendy L. Applequist 1

The following six generic names are recommended for conservation: Emmeorhiza against Endlichera, Friesodielsia against Schefferomitra, Haplopteris against Monogramma, Mandevilla against Exothostemon, Miconia against Angeja, and Murraya against Chalcas. The following 15 species names are recommended for conservation: Agave franzosinii against A. beaulueriana, Agave maximiliana against A. gustaviana, Aspidium draconopterum with a conserved type, Aster trinervius Roxb. ex D. Don against A. trinervis (Pers.) Nees, Bupleurum multinerve against B. striatum, Cryptolepis buchananii against Periploca dubia, Hesperis pendula DC. against H. pendula Murr., Kaempferia rotunda with a conserved type, Osmunda multifida with a conserved type, Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. against P. pseudostrobus Brongn., Psychotria calva against P. umbellata, Quercus ilex with a conserved type, Schoenus hornei with a conserved type, Solanum alatum with a conserved type, and Stipa pulcherrima with a conserved type. The following three species names are not recommended for conservation: Carex oedorrhampha against C. tumida and C. baviensis, Habenaria crassifolia against Platanthera brachyphylla, and Taxus harringtonia with that spelling. The following three species names are recommended for rejection: Convolvulus bufalinus, Ipomoea emetica, and Solanum rubrum. The species name Isoetes sahyadrii is not recommended for rejection. It is recommended that Swartzia Schreb. and Schwartzia Vell. be treated as homonyms. The Committee recommends against making a binding decision on whether Clematis chekiangensis and C. zhejiangensis, or Airopsis and Ariopsis, should be treated as homonyms.



建议使用以下六个通用名称:Emmeorhiza对抗EndlicheraFriesodielsia对抗SchefferomitraHaplopteris对抗MonogrammaMandevilla对抗ExothostemonMiconia对抗AngejaMurraya对抗Chalcas。下面的15种名被推荐为保护:龙舌兰franzosiniiA. beaulueriana龙舌兰maximilianaA. gustaviana保守型青piAster trinervius Roxb。前D.唐对A. trinervis(个人)穿心莲,柴胡multinerve反对B.纹状体Cryptolepis buchananii杠鳖Hesperis垂DC。对抗H. pendula Murr。,具有保守型的圆形Kaempferia圆形,具有保守型的Osmunda multifida,有Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl。对抗P. pseudostrobus Brongn。,Psychotria calva对抗P. umbellata栎栎带有保守型的Schoenus hornei,带有保守型的Solaum alatum和带有保守型的Stipa pulcherrima。不推荐用于保护下面的三个品种名称:苔oedorrhamphaC. tumidaC. baviensis玉凤花属云杉舌唇兰属狭叶蝠属,和红豆杉harringtonia与拼写。下面的三个品种名称被推荐为抑制:空心菜bufalinus五爪emetica,和龙癣菌。物种名称不推荐使用Isoetes sahyadrii拒绝。建议使用Swartzia Schreb。和Schwartzia Vell。被视为同音异义词。委员会建议不要就将铁线莲属浙江铁线莲AiropsisAriopsis视为同音异义词做出有约束力的决定。