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Eddy retention and seafloor terrain facilitate cross‐shelf transport and delivery of fish larvae to suitable nursery habitats
Limnology and Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1002/lno.11553
Esther D. Goldstein 1 , Jodi L. Pirtle 2 , Janet T. Duffy‐Anderson 1 , William T. Stockhausen 3 , Mark Zimmermann 1 , Matthew T. Wilson 1 , Calvin W. Mordy 4, 5

For marine fish with ontogenetic shifts in habitat requirements, survival is dependent upon oceanographic transport of pelagic larvae from spawning locations and the arrival of settlement‐stage larvae to nursery habitats. Settlement success for fish with nurseries on the continental shelf, such as many flatfish, relies on routes of transport that facilitate the delivery of larvae from offshore to suitable inshore habitats. To address spatial and temporal coupling between spawning, transport, and settlement, we utilized an individual‐based biophysical model for the years 2000–2011 in combination with a juvenile habitat suitability model for arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), an abundant predatory flatfish in the oceans off Alaska. Settlement success was inversely related to the availability of nursery habitat, but oceanographic variability dictated interannual patterns in larval supply to nurseries. Paradoxically, the majority of larvae were advected offshore and arrived to nurseries on the continental shelf. Shoreward bathymetric steering through glacial troughs that resulted in directed transport to nurseries was minimal despite the high proportion of larvae that accessed trough features. Based on modeling results and empirical observations, mesoscale eddies and retention near suitable settlement habitats enhanced settlement and recruitment magnitude. In advective ecosystems such as the Gulf of Alaska, settlement success and cross‐shelf transport are augmented by transient retentive features that influence recruitment by facilitating the delivery of larvae to nursery habitats on the continental shelf.



对于生境要求发生个体变化的海鱼,其存活取决于上层幼体从产卵地点的海洋运输以及定居阶段的幼体到苗圃生境的到达。大陆架上有苗圃的鱼类(例如许多比目鱼)的成功捕捞取决于运输路线,该路线可促进幼体从近海向适当的近海栖息地的运输。为了解决产卵,运输和定居之间的时空耦合,我们利用了2000-2011年基于个体的生物物理模型,并结合了箭齿比目鱼(Atheresthes stomias)的青少年生境适应性模型。),这是阿拉斯加附近海洋中大量捕食性比目鱼。定居的成功与苗圃栖息地的可用性成反比,但是海洋学的多样性决定了苗圃向幼体供应的年际模式。矛盾的是,大多数幼体被平移到近海,到达大陆架上的苗圃。尽管有高比例的幼虫进入了槽中,但通过冰川槽进行的岸上测深转向却导致定向运输到苗圃的可能性很小。根据建模结果和经验观察,中等规模的涡流和在合适的定居栖息地附近的滞留增加了定居和募集的规模。在对流生态系统中,例如阿拉斯加湾