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Air transport demand and economic development in sub-Saharan Africa: Direction of causality
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102771
Tassew Dufera Tolcha , Svein Bråthen , Johan Holmgren

Abstract Air transport may be a key tool to advance economic development. However, it is uncertain whether air transport boosts economic development, or vice versa. Both views have theoretical and empirical support. In some countries and regions, air transport is important for initiating development, for example by attracting foreign direct investment or granting access to lifelines. Elsewhere, economic development drives air transport demand. Establishing the direction of causality for regions/countries segmented by income level may inform pragmatic policy. This study analyzes the causal relationship between air transport demand and economic development for six sub-Saharan African countries for the period 1981–2018. Vector error correction and vector autoregression models are employed to identify long- and short-run causalities. The results reveal heterogeneous, context-specific causal relationships. In the long-run, for South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya, the direction of causality runs from economic development to air transport demand; for Ethiopia, causality runs in the opposite direction, with increased demand for air transport promoting economic development; and for Senegal and Angola, the relationship is too weak to infer causal directions. Possible explanations for this heterogeneity include differences in per capita income, low-cost carriers' share of national aviation markets, the presence of large home-based airlines, and comparative geographical advantage as a natural hub.



摘要 航空运输可能是推动经济发展的关键工具。然而,航空运输是否促进经济发展,反之亦然,尚不确定。这两种观点都有理论和实证支持。在一些国家和地区,航空运输对于启动发展很重要,例如通过吸引外国直接投资或提供生命线。在其他地方,经济发展推动了航空运输需求。确定按收入水平划分的地区/国家的因果关系方向可以为务实的政策提供信息。本研究分析了 1981 年至 2018 年期间六个撒哈拉以南非洲国家的航空运输需求与经济发展之间的因果关系。向量误差校正和向量自回归模型用于识别长期和短期因果关系。结果揭示了异质的、特定于上下文的因果关系。长期来看,对于南非、尼日利亚和肯尼亚来说,因果关系的方向是从经济发展到航空运输需求;对埃塞俄比亚而言,因果关系相反,对航空运输的需求增加促进经济发展;而对于塞内加尔和安哥拉来说,这种关系太弱,无法推断因果方向。这种异质性的可能解释包括人均收入的差异、低成本航空公司在全国航空市场的份额、大型本土航空公司的存在以及作为天然枢纽的相对地理优势。对埃塞俄比亚而言,因果关系相反,对航空运输的需求增加促进经济发展;而对于塞内加尔和安哥拉来说,这种关系太弱,无法推断因果方向。这种异质性的可能解释包括人均收入的差异、低成本航空公司在全国航空市场的份额、大型本土航空公司的存在以及作为天然枢纽的相对地理优势。对埃塞俄比亚而言,因果关系相反,对航空运输的需求增加促进经济发展;而对于塞内加尔和安哥拉来说,这种关系太弱,无法推断因果方向。这种异质性的可能解释包括人均收入的差异、低成本航空公司在全国航空市场的份额、大型本土航空公司的存在以及作为天然枢纽的相对地理优势。