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Consumer preferences for farm-raised meat, lab-grown meat, and plant-based meat alternatives: Does information or brand matter?
Food Policy ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101931
Ellen J. Van Loo , Vincenzina Caputo , Jayson L. Lusk

Abstract Despite rising interest in and sales of innovative non-animal-based protein sources, there remains a lack of information about consumer demand for these new foods and their ultimate market potential. This study reports the results of a nationwide survey of more than 1800 U.S. consumers who completed a choice experiment in which they selected among conventional beef and three alternative burger patties, (lab-grown, plant-based with pea protein, and plant-based with animal-like protein) at different prices. Respondents were randomly allocated to treatments that varied in the presence/absence of brands and information about the competing alternatives. Results from random parameter logit models indicate that, holding prices constant and conditional on choosing a food product, 72% chose farm-raised beef and 28% chose one of the alternatives: 16% plant-based (pea protein) meat alternative, 7% plant-based (animal-like protein) meat alternative, and 5% lab-grown meat. Adding brand names (Certified Angus Beef, Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods, and Memphis Meats) increased the share for choosing farm-raised beef to 80%. Environment and technology information had minor effects on conditional market shares but reduced the share of people not buying any options, indicating information pulled more people into the market. Even if plant- and lab-grown alternatives experienced significant (e.g., 50%) price reductions, farm-raised beef maintains the majority market share. Vegetarians, males, younger, and more highly educated individuals tend to have relatively stronger preferences for the plant- and lab-grown alternatives relative to farm-raised beef. More people opposed than supported taxing conventional beef for environmental and animal welfare objectives and more opposed than supported having plant- and lab-grown alternatives use the label ‘beef’



摘要 尽管对创新的非动物蛋白来源的兴趣和销售不断增加,但仍然缺乏有关消费者对这些新食品的需求及其最终市场潜力的信息。本研究报告了对 1800 多名美国消费者进行的全国性调查的结果,他们完成了一项选择实验,他们在传统牛肉和三种替代汉堡肉饼(实验室种植的、基于植物的豌豆蛋白和基于植物的豌豆蛋白)中进行了选择。类动物蛋白)以不同的价格。受访者被随机分配到在品牌存在/不存在和竞争替代品信息方面各不相同的治疗。随机参数 logit 模型的结果表明,在保持价格不变并以选择食品为条件的情况下,72% 的人选择了农场饲养的牛肉,28% 的人选择了以下一种选择:16% 的植物性(豌豆蛋白)肉类替代品、7% 的植物性(类动物蛋白)肉类替代品和 5% 的实验室培育肉。添加品牌名称(Certified Angus Beef、Beyond Meat、Impossible Foods 和 Memphis Meats)将选择农场饲养的牛肉的比例增加到 80%。环境和技术信息对有条件市场份额的影响较小,但减少了不购买任何期权的人的份额,表明信息吸引了更多的人进入市场。即使植物和实验室培育的替代品价格大幅下降(例如 50%),农场饲养的牛肉仍保持大部分市场份额。与农场饲养的牛肉相比,素食者、男性、年轻人和受过高等教育的人往往对植物和实验室种植的替代品有相对更强的偏好。