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Local voting: A new distributed bandwidth reservation algorithm for 6TiSCH networks
Computer Networks ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2020.107384
Dimitrios J. Vergados , Katina Kralevska , Yuming Jiang , Angelos Michalas

The IETF 6TiSCH working group fosters the adaptation of IPv6-based protocols into Internet of Things by introducing the 6TiSCH Operation Sublayer (6top). The 6TiSCH architecture integrates the high reliability and low-energy consumption of IEEE 802.15.4e Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) with IPv6. IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH defines only the communication between nodes through a schedule but it does not specify how the resources are allocated for communication between the nodes in 6TiSCH networks. We propose a distributed algorithm for bandwidth allocation, called Local Voting, that adapts the schedule to the network conditions. The algorithm tries to equalize the link load (defined as the ratio of the queue length plus the new packet arrivals, over the number of allocated cells) through cell reallocation by calculating the number of cells to be added or released by 6top. Simulation results show that equalizing the load throughout 6TiSCH network provides better fairness in terms of load, reduces the queue sizes and packets reach the root faster compared to representative algorithms from the literature. Local Voting combines good delay performance and energy efficiency that are crucial features for Industrial Internet-of-Things applications.



IETF 6TiSCH工作组通过引入6TiSCH Operation Sublayer(6top)促进将基于IPv6的协议适应物联网。6TiSCH体系结构将IEEE 802.15.4e时隙信道跳频(TSCH)与IPv6集成在一起,具有高可靠性和低能耗的特点。IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH仅通过调度表定义了节点之间的通信,但未指定如何在6TiSCH网络中为节点之间的通信分配资源。我们提出了一种称为“本地投票”的分布式带宽分配算法,该算法可根据网络状况调整计划。该算法尝试均衡链路负载(定义为队列长度与新数据包到达的比率,分配的单元格数量)通过计算6top要添加或释放的单元格数量来进行单元重新分配。仿真结果表明,与文献中的代表性算法相比,在整个6TiSCH网络中均衡负载可提供更好的负载公平性,减少队列大小,并使数据包更快地到达根。本地投票结合了良好的延迟性能和能效,这是工业物联网应用程序的关键功能。
