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Stress response in terrestrial isopods: A comparative study on glycaemia
Applied Soil Ecology ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2020.103708
Jonathan A.C. Roques , Camille Houdelet , Freddie-Jeanne Richard

Abstract Stressors are omnipresent in the environment and trigger specific physiological and/or behavioural responses that remain relatively less known in invertebrates. Among the parameters used to quantify the impact of stress on physiology, the circulating level of glucose is commonly used in aquatic crustacean species. Terrestrial isopods are small crustaceans commonly used as bioindicators of soil quality; however, their response to environmental stressors remains poorly documented. In laboratory conditions, we investigated how different stressors influence the physiological response of two terrestrial isopod species. Thus, we exposed Armadillidium vulgare and Porcellio dilatatus to a series of both acute (physical) and chronic (temperature, social isolation, and exposure to herbicide) stressors that mimic potentially stressful situations encountered in their environment. Our results revealed that, for both species, glycaemia is not impacted by thermic shock (1 h at 4 °C), mechanical disturbances (1 min of shaking or upside-down motion) or social isolation (4 weeks) at the population level. Nevertheless, we observed a significantly higher sensitivity in male P. dilatatus exposed to upside-down movements and in males of both species exposed to social isolation. Acute (96 h) and chronic (21 days) exposure to glyphosate (1.8–2.5 kg.ha−1) did not impact glycaemia levels in A. vulgare. However, at both tested doses, individuals exposed to glyphosate for 25 days and subjected to an additional stressor (haemolymph sampling at 96 h) had significantly higher glycaemia in comparison to their control. Survival was also impacted by the joint application of chronic glyphosate exposure and intermediate haemolymph sampling. We conclude that glucose is a potentially good indicator to study the stress response of terrestrial isopods. Additional studies for this parameter, combined with other physiological indicators, are needed to better characterize this response.



摘要 压力源在环境中无处不在,会触发特定的生理和/或行为反应,而这些反应在无脊椎动物中相对鲜为人知。在用于量化压力对生理学影响的参数中,葡萄糖的循环水平通常用于水生甲壳类物种。陆生等足类是小型甲壳类动物,通常用作土壤质量的生物指标;然而,他们对环境压力的反应仍然缺乏记录。在实验室条件下,我们研究了不同的压力源如何影响两种陆地等足动物物种的生理反应。因此,我们将 Armadillidium v​​ulgare 和 Porcellio dilatatus 暴露于一系列急性(物理)和慢性(温度、社会隔离、和暴露于除草剂)模拟环境中遇到的潜在压力情况的压力源。我们的结果表明,对于这两个物种,血糖不受人口水平的热休克(4°C 下 1 小时)、机械干扰(1 分钟摇晃或倒立运动)或社会隔离(4 周)的影响。尽管如此,我们观察到雄性 P. dilatatus 暴露于颠倒运动和暴露于社会隔离的两个物种的雄性具有显着更高的敏感性。急性(96 小时)和慢性(21 天)暴露于草甘膦(1.8-2.5 kg.ha-1)不会影响 A. vulgare 的血糖水平。然而,在两种测试剂量下,与对照组相比,暴露于草甘膦 25 天并受到额外压力(96 小时血淋巴采样)的个体的血糖明显更高。长期接触草甘膦和中间血淋巴采样的联合应用也影响了存活率。我们得出结论,葡萄糖是研究陆生等足动物应激反应的潜在良好指标。需要结合其他生理指标对该参数进行额外研究,以更好地表征这种反应。