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Probing new physics with long-range neutrino interactions: an effective field theory approach
Journal of High Energy Physics ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1007/jhep07(2020)013
Patrick D. Bolton , Frank F. Deppisch , Chandan Hati

We investigate forces induced by the exchange of two light neutrinos be- tween Standard Model (SM) fermions in the presence of effective operators parametrising physics beyond the SM. We first set up a general framework in which we derive the long-range potential mediated by weakly interacting neutrinos in the SM, retaining both spin-independent and spin-dependent terms. We then derive neutrino-mediated potentials when there are vector, scalar and tensor non-standard interactions present as well as an exotic neutrino magnetic moment. Examining the phenomenology of such long-range potentials in atomic scale laboratory experiments, we derive upper bounds on the Wilson coefficients of the effective operators and compare these to those from processes such as charged lepton flavour violation.



我们研究了标准模型 (SM) 费米子之间在存在对 SM 之外的物理参数进行参数化的有效算子的情况下由两个轻中微子交换引起的力。我们首先建立了一个通用框架,在该框架中我们推导出由 SM 中弱相互作用的中微子介导的长程势,同时保留自旋无关和自旋相关项。然后,当存在向量、标量和张量非标准相互作用以及奇异的中微子磁矩时,我们推导出中微子介导的势。在原子尺度实验室实验中检查这种长程势的现象学,我们推导出有效算子的威尔逊系数的上限,并将这些上限与来自带电轻子风味破坏等过程的结果进行比较。