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Geochemistry of the Heavy Mineral Sands from the Garampeta to the Markandi beach, southern coast of Odisha, India: Implications of high contents of REE and Radioelements attributed to Placer Monazite
Journal of Earth System Science ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s12040-020-01419-8
Shayantani Ghosal , Sudha Agrahari , Santanu Banerjee , Ramananda Chakrabarti , Debashish Sengupta

This study presents major element, radioactive element and rare earth element (REE) concentrations of the Garampeta to Markandi beach along the southern coast of Odisha, India to delineate the source signature and resource potential of the beach placer deposits. Average ∑REE concentration of the beach sand samples is about four times higher than the average crustal concentration. The LREE concentration is higher than HREE, with a pronounced negative europium anomaly. The study also discusses about the radioelement 238U, 232Th and 40K concentrations in the study area, and their relationship with REE. Weathering condition of the source rock, based on the major elements and Th/U ratio indicated a reasonably high degree of weathering. Major element and the REE composition along with the europium anomaly, relate the beach placers to mainly charnockite and khondalite source. An elevated level of thorium (> 60 times than the average UCC values) as exhibited by the samples could be attributed due to the presence of monazites. The high concentration of REEs like Nd and Dy along with La and Ce indicates significant REE resource potential in the beach placers which is important for the resource potential in terms of the strategic mineral reserves of the country.



这项研究介绍了印度奥里萨邦南部海岸的Garampeta到Markandi海滩的主要元素,放射性元素和稀土元素(REE)的浓度,以描绘海滩砂矿床的来源特征和资源潜力。沙滩砂样品的平均∑REE浓度约为地壳平均浓度的四倍。LREE浓度高于HREE,with异常明显。该研究还讨论了放射性元素238 U,232 Th和40研究区域中的K浓度及其与REE的关系。根据主要元素和Th / U比,烃源岩的风化条件表明其风化程度较高。主要元素和稀土元素的组成以及an的异常,使海滩砂矿主要与夏诺特石和方铅矿有关。样品所表现出的level水平升高(比平均UCC值高60倍)是由于独居石的存在。稀土元素如钕和Dy以及稀土元素和铈的高浓度表明,在海滩砂矿中具有显着的稀土资源潜力,这对于该国的战略性矿产资源储量而言至关重要。