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Potential negative effects of construction of a high-mountain ski resort in the High Tatras, Slovakia, on breeding bird assemblages
Community Ecology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s42974-020-00018-3
Martin Korňan

Development of new ski resorts potentially has strong negative impacts on natural ecosystems. The objective of this paper is to analyse the potential effects of a newly proposed ski resort development plan on bird assemblages in the High Tatras Mts. of Slovakia. I tested two hypotheses that total bird abundance, species richness and diversity would decline, due (1) to the removal of tree and shrub vegetation after ski run construction and/or (2) as a result of a negative edge effect (i.e. decline along ski run edge). I censused birds in three presently occurring habitat types [successional forest (n = 26 (number of circular plots)), spruce forest (n = 22) and dwarf pine stands (n = 21) and ski runs (n = 20)] close to proposed resort site. I used a variable circular plot method on two spatial scales with radii of 25 and 50 m (three counts per plot during breeding season in 2018). Circular plot samples from ski runs were taken from the closest existing ski resort with similar environmental conditions in Tatranská Lomnica. I found that total density, species richness and diversity were negatively affected by habitat alterations near this resort, and provided evidence of negative edge effect of ski runs on bird abundance, diversity metrices and evenness. Based on these results and a literature review, I recommend that building new ski resorts not be built in strictly protected areas and that future ski resort developments be restricted to areas that have lower conservation value.



开发新的滑雪胜地可能会对自然生态系统产生严重的负面影响。本文的目的是分析新提出的滑雪胜地开发计划对高塔特拉山山上鸟类聚集的潜在影响。斯洛伐克 我测试了两个假设,即总鸟类的丰度,物种丰富度和多样性会下降,这是由于(1)滑雪道建造后树木和灌木植被的清除和/或(2)由于负边缘效应(即沿下降而下降)造成的。滑雪道边缘)。我对三种目前栖息地类型的鸟类进行了调查[成功森林(n  = 26(圆形地块的数量)),云杉林(n  = 22)和矮松林(n  = 21)和滑雪道(n = 20)],靠近建议的度假胜地。我在两个空间尺度上使用了一个可变的圆图方法,半径分别为25和50 m(2018年繁殖季节每个图上有3个计数)。滑雪道的圆形样点样本是从塔内什卡洛姆尼察(TatranskáLomnica)附近最近的,具有类似环境条件的滑雪胜地中取样的。我发现该度假胜地附近的栖息地改变对总密度,物种丰富度和多样性产生了负面影响,并提供了滑雪道对鸟类数量,多样性指标和均匀性的负面影响的证据。基于这些结果和文献综述,我建议不要在严格的保护区中建造新的滑雪胜地,并且将未来的滑雪胜地的开发限制在保护价值较低的地区。