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Parks under attack: Brazil's Iguaçu National Park illustrates a global threat to biodiversity.
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-020-01353-5
Victor Mateus Prasniewski 1, 2 , Neucir Szinwelski 2 , Thadeu Sobral-Souza 3 , Angela Marcia Kuczach 4 , Carlos Rodrigo Brocardo 5 , Carlos Frankl Sperber 6 , Philip Martin Fearnside 7

National parks are under attack in many parts of the world, including Brazil, which the Convention on Biodiversity ranks as the world’s most biodiverse country. Brazil has been experiencing an unprecedented environmental crisis, and the political situation in the country favors approval of environmentally damaging measures by both the legislative and executive branches of government. A new and largely unreported setback is a proposal in the National Congress for a road cutting the Iguaçu National Park in two. Here, we identify environmental threats from the proposed road and pressures on the park from the surrounding human population. The proposed laws violate Brazil’s constitution and would cause immeasurable damage to the park’s biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. The road would reduce the cost of transport between two municipalities (counties), but not the cost of transporting soybeans, their main agricultural product. However, the local population would be better served by strengthening its ties to the park and promoting economic alternatives such as tourism, agroforestry, and organic agriculture. The Caminho do Colono road illustrates the danger posed by downgrading the status of protected areas in order to allow environmentally damaging activities. This trend is occurring in many countries and is especially evident in Brazil.



世界许多地方的国家公园都受到攻击,包括巴西,该国被《生物多样性公约》列为世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家。巴西经历了前所未有的环境危机,该国的政治局势有利于政府立法和行政部门批准破坏环境的措施。一个新的且基本上未报告的挫折是国民议会提出的一条将伊瓜苏国家公园一分为二的道路的提案。在这里,我们确定了拟议道路的环境威胁以及周围人口对公园的压力。拟议的法律违反了巴西的宪法,将对公园的生物多样性和相关的生态系统服务造成不可估量的损害。这条公路将降低两个市(县)之间的运输成本,但不会降低其主要农产品大豆的运输成本。然而,通过加强与公园的联系并促进旅游业、农林业和有机农业等经济替代品,当地居民将得到更好的服务。Caminho do Colono 路说明了降低保护区的地位以允许破坏环境的活动所带来的危险。这种趋势正在许多国家出现,在巴西尤为明显。Caminho do Colono 路说明了降低保护区的地位以允许破坏环境的活动所带来的危险。这种趋势正在许多国家出现,在巴西尤为明显。Caminho do Colono 路说明了降低保护区的地位以允许破坏环境的活动所带来的危险。这种趋势正在许多国家出现,在巴西尤为明显。
