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Symmetry-protected topological phase for spin-tensor-momentum-coupled ultracold atoms
Physical Review A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1103/physreva.102.013301
Zhoutao Lei , Yuangang Deng , Chaohong Lee

We propose a realizable experiment scheme to construct a one-dimensional synthetic magnetic flux lattice with spin-tensor-momentum coupled spin-1 atoms and explore its exotic topological states. Different from the Altland-Zirnbauer classification, we show that our system hosts a symmetry-protected phase protected by a magnetic group symmetry (M) and characterized by a Z2 topological invariant. In single-particle spectra, we show that the topological nontrivial phase supports two kinds of edge states, which include two (four) zero-energy edge modes in the absence (presence) of two-photon detuning. We further study the bulk-edge correspondence in a non-Hermitian model by taking into account the particle dissipation. It is shown that the non-Hermitian system preserves the bulk-edge correspondence under the M symmetry but exhibits the non-Hermitian skin effect with breaking the M symmetry at nonzero magnetic flux. This work provides insights in understanding the exotic topological quantum states of high-spin systems and facilitating their experimental explorations.



我们提出了一个可实现的实验方案,以构造具有自旋-张量-动量耦合的spin-1原子的一维合成磁通晶格,并探索其奇异的拓扑状态。与Altland-Zirnbauer分类不同,我们表明我们的系统具有受磁基对称性保护的对称保护相(中号)并以 ž2拓扑不变。在单粒子光谱中,我们表明拓扑非平凡相位支持两种边缘状态,包括在没有(存在)两光子失谐的情况下的两个(四个)零能边缘模式。通过考虑粒子耗散,我们进一步研究了非Hermitian模型中的体积边缘对应关系。结果表明,非Hermitian系统保留了在中号 对称但显示非赫密特皮肤效果,破坏了 中号非零磁通时的对称性。这项工作为了解高旋转系统的奇异拓扑量子态提供了见识,并有助于他们的实验探索。