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Microconchus cravenensisn. sp.: a giant among microconchid tubeworms
Journal of Paleontology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2020.45
Michał Zatoń , David J.C. Mundy

A new species of microconchid tubeworm,Microconchus cravenensisis described from the Mississippian Cracoean reefs of North Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Despite the fact that some other microconchid species could have attained large tube length, the new species possesses the largest recorded diameter (to 7.7 mm) of the planispirally-coiled (attachment) tube and the largest recorded aperture diameter (8.3 mm) in the helically uncoiled portion. Thus, with respect to these features,Microconchus cravenensisn. sp. is the largest and most robust microconchid species recognized so far. At present, it is only known from the Craven Reef Belt of North Yorkshire, where it attached to corals and possibly bivalve shells, and was preyed upon by small durophagous animals, as indicated by repaired injuries preserved on one of the tubes.UUID:http://zoobank.org/2ba8f87b-ec1c-4bb3-8615-115e7a527376



一种新的微螺管虫,微螺描述于英国北约克郡的密西西比克拉科海礁。尽管其他一些微贝类物种可能已经达到了较大的管长,但新物种拥有最大记录的平面螺旋(附件)管直径(至 7.7 毫米)和最大记录的螺旋孔直径(8.3 毫米)展开的部分。因此,对于这些特征,微螺n. sp。是迄今为止公认的最大和最健壮的微型贝类物种。目前,它仅在北约克郡的克雷文礁带被发现,它附着在珊瑚和可能的双壳贝壳上,并被小型硬食动物捕食,如其中一根管子上保存的修复损伤所示。UUID:http://zoobank.org/2ba8f87b-ec1c-4bb3-8615-115e7a527376