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Induced Fetal Human Muscle Stem Cells with High Therapeutic Potential in a Mouse Muscular Dystrophy Model.
Stem Cell Reports ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2020.06.004
Mingming Zhao 1 , Atsutoshi Tazumi 2 , Satoru Takayama 2 , Nana Takenaka-Ninagawa 1 , Minas Nalbandian 1 , Miki Nagai 1 , Yumi Nakamura 1 , Masanori Nakasa 1 , Akira Watanabe 3 , Makoto Ikeya 1 , Akitsu Hotta 1 , Yuta Ito 4 , Takahiko Sato 5 , Hidetoshi Sakurai 1

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive and fatal muscle-wasting disease caused by DYSTROPHIN deficiency. Cell therapy using muscle stem cells (MuSCs) is a potential cure. Here, we report a differentiation method to generate fetal MuSCs from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by monitoring MYF5 expression. Gene expression profiling indicated that MYF5-positive cells in the late stage of differentiation have fetal MuSC characteristics, while MYF5-positive cells in the early stage of differentiation have early myogenic progenitor characteristics. Moreover, late-stage MYF5-positive cells demonstrated good muscle regeneration potential and produced DYSTROPHIN in vivo after transplantation into DMD model mice, resulting in muscle function recovery. The engrafted cells also generated PAX7-positive MuSC-like cells under the basal lamina of DYSTROPHIN-positive fibers. These findings suggest that MYF5-positive fetal MuSCs induced in the late stage of iPSC differentiation have cell therapy potential for DMD.



